Adding 1 – Digit Number | Addition of One Digit Numbers | How to Quickly Add One Digit Numbers?

The addition is one of the arithmetic operations in numbers. The symbol of the addition operation is ‘ + ‘. We can also call addition sometimes as a plus, add, the sum of the numbers, sum, and put together with. If we add the numbers with the 1 – digit number, the resultant value will be shown with the sign of equivalent. That is ‘=”. It is easy to add single-digit numbers compared to other operations. Adding 1 – Digit Numbers in different methods are explained on this page to help students to learn easily.

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Addition of One-Digit Numbers

The mathematical expression for adding 1- digit number is like one digit + one digit = resultant. For example, if you take the digits 4 and 4, then the mathematical expression appears as below.
Adding 1 - digit number

We can write it as 4 plus 4 is equal to 8.
In the early stages of the children only, we have to develop the mathematical skills very clearly. If we explain the addition process by telling stories, games, by calculating the objects like counting toys, images, stars, and etc.. Most of the students can easily understand the concept and they are ready to add the numbers easily by imagining it in their mind.

We are providing more activities that are related to adding 1 – digit number. By following our concept of Adding 1 – digit number and practicing the problems, a student can perform addition very quickly.

1. There are two girls are playing with the balls. Girl A is playing with the 3 balls and Girl B is playing with the 2 balls. Count the total number of balls.

Girl A is playing with the 3 balls. So,
Adding one - digit number
Girl B is playing with the 2 balls
Adding 1 - digit numbers
Now, the total number of balls with the two girls are
Adding one - digit numbers
Therefore, the total number of balls is 5.

Theoretical Explanation:
By using the numbers, Girl A is playing with 3 balls.
Girl B is playing with the 2 balls.
So, the total number of balls with Girl A and Girl B is
3 + 2 = 5.

Adding 1 – Digit Number Activities

Add the 1 digit numbers by playing with the below images. We can add the numbers with the help of our hand fingers also. Like
Example 1.

Add 5 + 2?
If you want to add 5 and 2, then open your 5 fingers on one hand and open two fingers on another hand first. Then, start counting the numbers of opened fingers from 1. Count the opened fingers and note down the final answer.
5 + 2 = 7.

Example 2.

Add 2 + 2?
If you want to add 2 and 2, then open your 2 fingers first and open the other two fingers next. Then, start counting the numbers of opened fingers from number 1. Count the opened fingers and note down the resultant answer.
2 + 2 = 4.
Example 3.

Add 4 + 0?
If you want to add 4 and 0, then open your 4 fingers on one hand. You need not open any finger if the addend is 0. Then, start counting the numbers of opened fingers from number 1. Count the opened fingers and note down the last answer.
4 + 0 = 4.
Addition of 1 - digit number

Adding 1- Digit number on a Number Line

The addition of one-digit numbers is easy with the number line. First, take a number line with numbers up to required numbers. Then, recognize the first number on the number line. After that note down the second number. Count the numbers as per the given second number from the first number. Point out the number where the counting stopped. Draw a curve from the first number to the last number on the number line. The last number is the resultant answer of your addition.

Adding 1 - digit number with Number Line

By using the above number line also, we can add the 1 –digit numbers. From the above number line,
4 + 8 = 12.

Adding 1 – Digit Number with Images

In this section, we need to add the number of triangles and find the equivalent value. Check out all the below images and find the addition of numbers.

1. Addition of 1digit numbers

In the given image, two triangles are present. So, add 1 triangle with other triangles. 1 + 1 = 2.

2. Addition of one digit numbers

In the given image, there is one blue triangle and two yellow triangles. So, add the number of blue triangles with the number of yellow triangles. 1 + 2 = 3.

3. Adding single digit numbers

From the given image, there are two blue triangles and two yellow triangles. So, add the number of blue triangles with the number of yellow triangles. 2 + 2 = 4.

4. Adding 1 - digit numbers with images

In the given image, there is two blue triangle and three yellow triangles. So, add the number of blue triangles with the number of yellow triangles. 2 + 3 = 5.

Addition of 1 – Digit Numbers in Columns

While adding the 1 – digit number with the two numbers in Columns, follow the below procedure and add the numbers.
(i) first, we have to add the 1-digit number with the 1’s place value of 2 – digit number.
(ii) If we get any carry value, then add that carry to the 10’s place number.
(iii) Otherwise, note down the same value of 10’s place number in the resultant with the addition of 1’s place with 1 – digit number.


1. 1 + 2
+ 2 (no carry)

2. 5 + 9
+9 (carry generated)

3. 2 + 3
+3 (no carry)

4. 5 + 5
+5 (carry generated)

5. 2 + 7
+7 (no carry)

Addition of 1 – Digit Numbers Horizontally

You can also add one-digit numbers horizontally by placing one number next to the other number. Place the addition symbol or plus symbol in between them. The below examples can help you to add one-digit numbers Horizontally.

1. 6 + 1 = 7.
2. 9 + 4 = 13
3. 8 + 2 = 10
4. 2 + 4 = 6
5. 7 + 6 = 13

Adding 1- Digit Number Table

Students can easily remember and quickly answer the addition of 1 – digit number by following the below table. In the below table, we are adding the 1 – digit numbers to other numbers. And, you can observe the sum of the numbers also in that same table.

Adding 1 - digit numbers Table

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