Many of the students are confused about how to add numbers? This article gives you clarity on the addition, using the number line you will learn how to add the numbers. Here you can learn about the number line, example problems on a number line with answers, and practice problems on the number line, and so on. You can have a better understanding by going through the article completely.
This number line shows how numbers are distributed on a number line. In a horizontal straight line, numbers are placed inequal interval is termed as a number line. All the numbers are represented in sequence order.
Also, Read:
- Expressing Numbers on the Number Line
- Addition of integers on a Number Line
- Representation of integers on a Number Line
Number Line – Definition | What is a Number Line?
A number line can be used to represent any real numbers that include whole numbers, whole numbers means a set of numbers that include all zero (0) and counting numbers i.e,1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ….. and so on. Pictorial representation of numbers on a straight line is called Number Line. Numbers placed on the number line are very easy to compare with other numbers.
The numbers on a number line image are given above, it contains the numbers from 0 to 10. The number line contains both positive numbers and negative numbers, the line can be extended indefinitely at both ends.
How to Show Addition on a Number Line?
The example image of addition on a number line is given below,
The above figure consists of performing an addition perform using the number line. Image of 3 and 4 numbers in-between ‘+’ (plus sign), so addition performs is performed the sum of that is 7. It means 4 is added to 3 then the sum is 7, but using the number line method, first locate 3 on the number line then move 4 places to the right will give the value is 7. Like that we can perform the addition operation using the number line.
Addition Problems on a Number Line
Example 1:
Explain the given figure clearly. How to perform addition on a number line.
The given figure consists of numbers from -3 to 6 are placed in a number line in order.
Next, perform the addition operation of 2 and 5, which means 3 is added to 2.
But, in the number line method,
First, 2 is located from a number line, and then move 3 times in the right will give the value is 5.
Therefore, the value of 2 and 3 in a number line is 5.
Example 2:
Rabbit takes how many steps to reach the carrots. Explain the given figure Properly.
The given figure consists of a rabbit and carrots.
Rabbit is located at -5 and carrots are located at 1.
Consider the given figure, Rabbit takes 6 steps to reach the carrots.
Using the number line method rabbit moves 6 steps in the right will give 1, at that place carrots will there.
In addition method, we can do
-5 + 6 = 1
Therefore, the number line addition method is easy because just moves the number from located point to the right side.
Example 3:
The below figure consists of multiple adding numbers using a number line method to find the value. Explain the Figure. Solution:
Given figure consists of a little bunny, it is adding numbers by jumping on the number line.
Initially, the little bunny is located at 0 then it will move 3 in the right will give 3.
So, now the little bunny is located at 3.
Again, the little bunny jumps from 3 to move 3 steps in the right will give 6.
Now, the little bunny is located at 6.
Then, again it will move 2 in the right will give 8.
The little bunny jumps from 6 to 8.
Therefore, he will totally jump 3 times on a number line from one point to another point, the value little bunny stop on 8.
Example 4:
The figure consists of only one adding number and sum number, you will find the second adding number using a number line method. Choose the correct option in the given figure option numbers.
The given figure consists of one adding number and sum value.
Now, we can find the second adding number using the given option Numbers.
Initially, locate at 7 but the sum is 10. So the difference between both numbers is 3.
Now, it moves 3 steps to the right will give 10.
Therefore, the second adding number is 3. So, in the given option, the first option number is correct.
Addition Using Number Lines Questions
Question 1:
The given figure consists of several numbers with ‘+’ (plus sign), students will find those values using a number line method to add the numbers and write the value in the given figure blank using a pencil.
Question 2:
The given figure consists of three number line addition questions. Students will count the moving steps from numbers locating positions to ending positions, write that number value in the given figure boxes using a pencil.
Question 3:
Solve the below figure equations using the correct number line method. Write the number in the given image blanks using a pencil.
Question 4:
The given figure consists of different images of number line addition. Students will add the numbers using the number line method. Write the answers in the given image boxes using a pencil.
Question 5:
Use the number line method to find the answers to each problem. Look at the first number in the problem. Put your pencil on the number line of that number line. Look at the second number in the problem. Now, move your pencil to the right side of that many numbers on the number line to find the answer.
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