Addition Word Problems present here include the addition of 1-digit numbers. Our extensive and well-researched Worksheets include real-life scenarios that include One-Digit Addition. These Free Worksheets on Addition of 1-Digit Numbers are provided so that students can have ample practice. In fact, we have provided different models of questions asked in addition so that you will have an idea of the kind of questions being asked in exams. Make the most out of these handy preparation materials and score better grades in exams.
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1-Digit Numbers Addition Word Problems
Example 1.
A Man Plucked 5 mangoes from one tree, 2 mangoes from the second tree, and 1 mango from the third tree. Find the total number of mangoes he plucked from the trees?
No. of Mangoes the man plucked from first treeĀ = 5
No. of Mangoes the man plucked from the second tree = 2
No. of Mangoes he plucked from the third tree = 1
Total No. of mangoes plucked by him from all three trees = 5+2+1
(+) 1
Therefore, the no. of mangoes man plucked from three trees = 8.
Example 2.
There are 6 bags of wheat, 4 bags of rice, and 1 bag of a gram in a store. Find the total number of bags in the store?
No. of bags of wheat = 6
No. of bags of rice = 4
No. of bags of gram = 1
Total Number of Bags in Store = No. of Bags of Wheat + No. of Bags of Rice + No. of Bags of Gram
= 6+4+1
(+) 1
Example 3.
Seethal bought 8 toys in January, 4 in February, and 2 toys in March. How many toys were bought by seethal in the above-mentioned months in total?
No. of toys Seethal Bought in January = 8
No. of toys Seethal Bought in February = 4
No. of toys Seethal Bought in March = 2
Total Toys Seethal Bought in Total = 8+4+2
(+) 2
Example 4.
There are 6 red rubber bands and 2 green rubber bands. How many rubber bands are there in all?
No. of Red Rubber Bands = 6
No. of Green Rubber Bands = 2
Total Number of Rubber Bands = 6+2
Example 5.
On Monday evening Kishen completed 2 pages in Maths homework and 4 pages in English homework. How many total pages did he complete his homework altogether?
No. of Pages Kishen completed in Maths Homework = 2
No. of Pages Kishen completed in English Homework = 4
Total No. of Pages Kishen complete in total = 2+4
Example 6.
A pet-lover has 1 dog and 3 cats in his house. How many animals are there in the house in total?
No. of dogs the pet lover has =1
No. of cats pet lover has = 3
Total No. of Animals in total = 1+3