Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5

Students of Elementary School can get the BIM Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 on this page. Refer to our Big Ideas Math Book K Grade Answer Key Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers 0 to 5 and solve the problems. You can understand the concepts in-depth with the help of the Big Ideas Math Book Answers Grade K. We provide the step by step explanations for all the questions by using the figures.

Big Ideas Math Book Grade K Answer Key Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5

Students who feel difficulty in solving the problems can quickly understand the concepts with the help of our Big Ideas Math Book Grade K Answer Key for Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers 0 to 5. In order to excel in the exam, we suggest the students of the K Grade standard refer to the Big Ideas Math Book K Grade Chapter 1  Answer Key. You can easily understand the concepts in-depth with the help of the Big Ideas Math Answer Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers 0 to 5.


Lesson: 1 Model and Count 1 and 2

Lesson: 2 Understand and Write 1 and 2

Lesson: 3 Model and Count 3 and 4

Lesson: 4 Understand and Write 3 and 4

Lesson: 5 Model and Count 5

Lesson: 6 Understand and Write 5

Lesson: 7 The Concept of Zero

Lesson: 8 Count and Order Numbers to 5

Chapter 1 – Count and Write Numbers 0 to 5

Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 Vocabulary

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 1
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 2

The ducks are two.

In the above-given figure,
In the pond, there are 2 ducks.
we have to color the ducks.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1-1

Chapter 1 Vocabulary Cards

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 3
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 4
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 5
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 6

Lesson 1.1 Model and Count 1 and 2

Explore and Grow

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 7


  • Place 1 counter on the blue sky. Decide which frame shows 1. Slide the counter to the frame.
  • Place 2 counters on the green grass. Decide which frame shows 2. Slide the counters to the frame.

Think and Grow

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 8
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 8.1

The objects are 2.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 2.
so we have to fill the color for 2 boxes.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.1-1
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 8.2

The object is one.

In the above-given figure,
The given object is 1.
so we have to fill the color for 1 box.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.1-2

Count the objects. Color the boxes to show how many

Apply and Grow: Practice

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 9

The objects are 2.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 2.
so we have to fill the color for 2 boxes.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.1-3
Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 10

The object is one.

In the above-given figure,
The given object is 1.
so we have to fill the color for 1 box.

Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.1-4

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 11

The object is one.

In the above-given figure,
The given object is 1.
so we have to fill the color for 1 box.

Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.1-5

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 12

The objects are 2.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 2.
so we have to fill the color for 2 boxes.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.1-6

1 – 4 Count the objects. Color the boxes to show how many.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 13

a.The objects are 2.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 2.
so we have to fill the color for 2 boxes.

b.The object is one.

In the above-given figure,
The given object is 1.
so we have to fill the color for 1 box.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.1-7

Count the objects in the picture. Color the boxes to show how many.

Model and Count 1 and 2 Homework & Practice 1.1

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 14

a.The object is one.

In the above-given figure,
The given object is 1.
so we have to fill the color for 1 box.

b.The objects are 2.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 2.
so we have to fill the color for 2 boxes.

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 15

The object is one.

In the above-given figure,
The given object is 1.
so we have to fill the color for 1 box.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.1-9

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 16

The objects are 2.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 2.
so we have to fill the color for 2 boxes.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.1-10
Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 17

The object is one.

In the above-given figure,
The given object is 1.
so we have to fill the color for 1 box.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.1-11

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 18

The objects are 2.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 2.
so we have to fill the color for 2 boxes.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.1-12

Question 5.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 19

a.The object is one.

In the above-given figure,
The given object is 1.
so we have to fill the color for 1 box.

b.The objects are 2.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 2.
so we have to fill the color for 2 boxes.

Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.1-13

3 and 4. Count the objects. Color the boxes to show how many. 5 Count the objects in the picture. Color the boxes to show how many.

Lesson 1.2 Understand and Write 1 and 2

Explore and Grow

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 20
Use counters to show how many dogs and how many fish are in the story My Pets. Write how many dogs and how many fish are in the story.

Think and Grow

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 21

Count the objects. Say the number. Trace and write the number.

Apply and Grow: Practice

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 22

The object is one.

In the above-given figure,
there is 1 object.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.2-1

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 23

The objects are two.

In the above-given figure,
there are 2 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.2-2

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 24

The object is one.

In the above-given figure,
there is 1 object.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.2-3

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 25

The objects are two.

In the above-given figure,
there are 2 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.2-4

Question 5.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 26

The objects are two.

In the above-given figure,
there are 2 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.2-5

Question 6.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 27

The object is one.

In the above-given figure,
there is 1 object.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.2-6

Question 7.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 28

The objects are two.

In the above-given figure,
there are 2 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.2-7

Question 8.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 29

The object is one.

In the above-given figure,
there is 1 object.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.2-8

1 – 8 Count the objects. Say the number. Write the number.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 30

Lizards = one.
birds = two.
tortoise = two.
snakes = two.

In the above-given figure,
The lizards are one.
birds = two.
tortoise = two.
snakes = two.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.2-9

Directions: Count the objects in the picture. Say the number. Write the number.

Understand and Write 1 and 2 Homework & Practice 1.2

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 31

The objects are two.

In the above-given figure,
there are 2 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.2-10

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 32

The object is one.

In the above-given figure,
there is 1 object.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.2-11

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 33

The object is one.

In the above-given figure,
there is 1 object.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.2-12

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 34

The objects are two.

In the above-given figure,
there are 2 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.2-13

1 – 4 Count the linking cubes. Say the number. Write the number.

Question 5.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 35

The object is one.

In the above-given figure,
there is 1 object.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.2-14

Question 6.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 36

The objects are two.

In the above-given figure,
there are 2 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.2-15

Question 7.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 37

The objects are two.

In the above-given figure,
there are 2 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.2-16

Question 8.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 38

The object is one.

In the above-given figure,
there is 1 object.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.2-17

Question 9.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 39

snails = two.
tortoise = two.

In the above-given figure,
snails = two
tortoise = two.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.2-18

5 – 8 Count the objects. Say the number. Write the number. 9 Count the objects in the picture. Say the number. Write the number.

Lesson 1.3 Model and Count 3 and 4

Explore and Grow
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 40

  • Place 4 counters on top of the water. Decide which frame shows 4. Slide the counters to the frame.
  • Place 3 counters at the bottom of the bowl. Decide which frame shows 3. Slide the counters to the frame.

Think and Grow

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 41

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 42

The objects are 4.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 4.
so we have to fill the color for 4 boxes.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.3-1

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 43

The objects are 3.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 3.
so we have to fill the color for 3 boxes.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.3-1

Count the objects. Color the boxes to show how many.

Apply and Grow: Practice

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 44

The objects are 4.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 4.
so we have to fill the color for 4 boxes.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.3-2

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 45

The objects are 3.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 3.
so we have to fill the color for 3 boxes.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.3-3

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 46

The objects are 3.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 3.
so we have to fill the color for 3 boxes.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.3-4

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 47

The objects are 4.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 4.
so we have to fill the color for 4 boxes.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.3-5

1 – 4 Count the objects. Color the boxes to show how many.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 48

b.The objects are 4.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 4.
so we have to fill the color for 4 boxes.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.3-6

a.The objects are 3.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 3.
so we have to fill the color for 3 boxes.

Count the objects in the picture. Color the boxes to show how many.

Model and Count 3 and 4 Homework & Practice 1.3

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 49

The objects are 3.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 3.
so we have to fill the color for 3 boxes.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.3-7

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 50

The objects are 4.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 4.
so we have to fill the color for 4 boxes.

1 and 2 Count the objects. Color the boxes to show how many.

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 51

The objects are 3.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 3.
so we have to fill the color for 3 boxes.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.3-4

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 52

The objects are 2.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 2.
so we have to fill the color for 2 boxes.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.3-9

Question 5.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 53

a.The objects are 3.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 3.
so we have to fill the color for 3 boxes.

b.The objects are 4.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 4.
so we have to fill the color for 4 boxes.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.3-10

3 and 4 Count the objects. Color the boxes to show how many. 5 Count the objects in the picture. Color the boxes to show how many.

Lesson 1.4 Understand and Write 3 and 4

Explore and Grow

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 54

Use counters to show how many trees and how many birds are in the story We Go Camping. Write how many trees and how many birds are in the story.

Think and Grow

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 55

Directions: Count the objects. Say the number. Trace and write the number.

Apply and Grow: Practice

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 57

The objects are three.

In the above-given figure,
there are 3 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.4-1

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 58

The objects are four.

In the above-given figure,
there are 4 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.4-2

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 59

The objects are four.

In the above-given figure,
there are 4 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.4-3

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 60

The objects are three.

In the above-given figure,
there are 3 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.4-4

Question 5.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 61

The objects are three.

In the above-given figure,
there are 3 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.4-5

Question 6.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 62

The objects are four.

In the above-given figure,
there are 4 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.4-6

1 – 6 Count the objects. Say the number. Write the number.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 63

a.The objects are four.

In the above-given figure,
there are 4 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.

b.The objects are three.

In the above-given figure,
there are 3 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.

c.The object is one.

In the above-given figure,
there is 1 object.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.

d.The objects are two.

In the above-given figure,
there are 2 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.4-7

Count the objects in the picture. Say the number. Write the number.

Understand and Write 3 and 4 Homework & Practice 1.4

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 64

The objects are four.

In the above-given figure,
there are 4 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.4-8

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 65

The objects are three.

In the above-given figure,
there are 3 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.4-9

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 66

The objects are three.

In the above-given figure,
there are 3 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.4-10

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 67

The objects are four.

In the above-given figure,
there are 4 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.4-11

1 – 4 Count the linking cubes. Say the number. Write the number.

Question 5.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 68

The objects are three.

In the above-given figure,
there are 3 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.4-12

Question 6.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 69

The objects are four.

In the above-given figure,
there are 4 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.4-13

Question 7.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 70

The objects are four.

In the above-given figure,
there are 4 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.4-14

Question 8.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 71

The objects are two.

In the above-given figure,
there are 2 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.4-15

Question 9.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 72

a.The objects are four.

In the above-given figure,
there are 4 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.

b.The objects are three.

In the above-given figure,
there are 3 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.

c.The objects are one.

In the above-given figure,
there is 1 object.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.4-16

5 – 8 Count the objects. Say the number. Write the number. 9 Count the objects in the picture. Say the number. Write the number.

Lesson 1.5 Model and Count 5

Explore and Grow

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 73

Place 5 counters on the blanket. Slide the counters to the frame.

Think and Grow

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 74
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 74.1

The objects are 5.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 5.
so we have to fill the color for 5 boxes.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.5-16

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 74.2

The objects are 5.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 5.
so we have to fill the color for 5 boxes.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.5-17

Count the objects. Color the boxes to show how many.

Apply and Grow: Practice

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 75

The objects are 5.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 5.
so we have to fill the color for 5 boxes.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.5-18

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 76

The objects are 4.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 4.
so we have to fill the color for 4 boxes.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.5-19

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 77

The objects are 5.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 5.
so we have to fill the color for 5 boxes.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.5-020

1 – 3 Count the objects. Color the boxes to show how many.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 78

a.The objects are 5.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 5.
so we have to fill the color for 5 boxes.

b.The objects are 5.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 5.
so we have to fill the color for 5 boxes.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.5-021

Count the objects in the picture. Color the boxes to show how many.

Model and Count 5 Homework & Practice 1.5

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 78.1

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 79

The objects are 5.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 5.
so we have to fill the color for 5 boxes.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.5-022

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 80

The objects are 3.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 3.
so we have to fill the color for 3 boxes.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.5-023

1 and 2 Count the objects. Color the boxes to show how many.

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 81

The objects are 5.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 5.
so we have to fill the color for 5 boxes.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.5-024

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 82

b.The objects are 5.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 5.
so we have to fill the color for 5 boxes.

a.The objects are 4.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 4.
so we have to fill the color for 4 boxes.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.5-025

3 Count the watermelon slices. Color the boxes to show how many. 4 Count the objects in the picture. Color the boxes to show how many.

Lesson 1.6 Understand and Write 5

Explore and Grow

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 83
Use counters to show how many turtles are in the story. Write how many turtles are in the story.

Think and Grow

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 84
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 84.1

The objects are five.

In the above-given figure,
there are 5 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.

Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.6-1

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 84.2

The objects are five.

In the above-given figure,
there are 5 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.6-2


  • Count the objects. Say the number. Trace and write the number.
  • Count the objects. Say the number. Write the number.

Apply and Grow: Practice

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 85

The objects are five.

In the above-given figure,
there are 5 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.6-3

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 86

The objects are five.

In the above-given figure,
there are 5 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.6-4

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 87

The objects are three.

In the above-given figure,
there are three objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.6-5

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 88

The objects are five.

In the above-given figure,
there are 5 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.6-6

1 – 4 Count the objects. Say the number. Write the number.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 89

a.The objects are three.

In the above-given figure,
there are 3 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.

b.The objects are five.

In the above-given figure,
there are 5 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.

c.The objects are five.

In the above-given figure,
there are 5 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.

d.The objects are two.

In the above-given figure,
there are 2 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.6-8

Directions: Count the objects in the picture. Say the number. Write the number.

Understand and Write 5 Homework & Practice 1.6

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 90

The objects are five.

In the above-given figure,
there are 5 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.6-9

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 91

The objects are five.

In the above-given figure,
there are 5 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.6-10

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 92

The objects are three.

In the above-given figure,
there are 3 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.6-11

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 93

The objects are five.

In the above-given figure,
there are 5 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.6-12

Directions: 1 – 4 Count the dots. Say the number. Write the number.

Question 5.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 94

The objects are five.

In the above-given figure,
there are 5 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.6-13

Question 6.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 95

The objects are four.

In the above-given figure,
there are 4 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.6-14

Question 7.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 96

a.The objects are five.

In the above-given figure,
there are 5 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.

b.The objects are four.

In the above-given figure,
there are 4 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.

c.The objects are two.

In the above-given figure,
there are 2 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.6-15

5 and 6 Count the objects. Say the number. Write the number. 7 Count the objects in the picture. Say the number. Write the number.

Lesson 1.7 The Concept of Zero

Explore and Grow
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 97

The box is empty.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 0.
so we have to fill the color for 0 boxes.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.6-16

Directions: The box is empty. Show the number of toys in the box. Write the number on a box flap.

Think and Grow

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 98

a.The objects are 0.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 0.
so we have to fill the color for 0 boxes.

1.a.The objects are 2.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 2.
so we have to fill the color for 2 boxes.

1.b. The objects are 2.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 2.
so we have to fill the color for 2 boxes.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.7-1


  • Count the leaves on the bottom branch. Say the number. Trace and write the number.
  • Count the sheep in each pen. Color the boxes to show how many.

Apply and Grow: Practice

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 99

The objects are zero.

In the above-given figure,
there are 0 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.7-2

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 100

The objects are three.

In the above-given figure,
there are 3 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.7-3

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 101

The objects are five.

In the above-given figure,
there are 5 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.7-4

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 102

The objects are zero.

In the above-given figure,
there are 0 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.7-5

1 – 4 Count the fireflies. Say the number. Write the number.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 103

a.The objects are two.

In the above-given figure,
there are 2 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it

b.The objects are five.

In the above-given figure,
there are 5 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it

c.The objects are zero.

In the above-given figure,
there are 0 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it

d.The objects are three.

In the above-given figure,
there are 3 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.7-6

Directions: Count the objects in the picture. Say the number. Write the number.

The Concept of Zero Homework & Practice 1.7

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 104

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 105

The objects are 2.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 2.
so we have to fill the color for 2 boxes.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.7-7

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 106

The objects are 0.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 0.
so we have to fill the color for 0 boxes.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 106

1 and 2 Count the flowers. Say the number. Write the number. Color the boxes to show how many.

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 107

The objects are zero.

In the above-given figure,
there are 0 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.7-8

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 108

The objects are four.

In the above-given figure,
there are 4 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.7-9

Question 5.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 109

a.The objects are five.

In the above-given figure,
there are 5 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it

b.The objects are one.

In the above-given figure,
there are 1 object.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it

The objects are zero.

In the above-given figure,
there are 0 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.7-10

Directions: 3 and 4 Count the fireflies. Say the number. Write the number. 5 Count the objects in the picture. Say the number. Write the number.

Lesson 1.8 Count and Order Numbers to 5

Explore and Grow
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 110

Directions: Trace the numbers. Then make linking cube trains that are 0 to 5 cubes long. Order the trains to match the numbers 0 to 5.

Think and Grow

Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 111

b.The objects are four.

In the above-given figure,
there are 4 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it

c.The objects are five.

In the above-given figure,
there are 5 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it

e.The objects are three.

In the above-given figure,
there are 3 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it

1, 2, 3, 4, and 5

The number in order are one, two, three, four, and five.
given that write the numbers in order.
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.8-2


  • Count the objects in each ve frame. Say the number. Write the number.
  • Write the numbers in order. Start with the number 1.

Apply and Grow: Practice

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 112

The objects are five.

In the above-given figure,
there are 5 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.8-3

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 113

The objects are three.

In the above-given figure,
there are 3 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.8-4

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 114

The objects are two.

In the above-given figure,
there are 2 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.8-5

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 115

The objects are four.

In the above-given figure,
there are 4 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.8-6

Question 5.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 116

The objects are one.

In the above-given figure,
there is 1 object.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.8-7

Question 6.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 117

1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

the numbers in order are
one, two, three, four and five.
1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.8-8

Directions: 1 – 5 Count the objects. Say the number. 6 Write the number. Write the numbers in order. Start with the number 1.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 118

a.Yellow = 3
blue = 1
orange = 4
green = 5
pink = 2

In the above-given figure,
there are different colors of stars.

Yellow = 3
blue = 1
orange = 4
green = 5
pink = 2


In the above-question, given that
write the numbers in reverse order.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.8-9


  • Count the stars in the picture. Say the number. Write the number.
  • Write the numbers in reverse order. Start with the number 5.

Count and Order Numbers to 5 Homework & Practice 1.8

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 119

The objects are two.

In the above-given figure,
there are 2 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.8-10

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 120

The objects are three.

In the above-given figure,
there are 3 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.8-11

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 121

The objects are one.

In the above-given figure,
there are one object.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.8-12

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 122


Given that,
write the numbers in order. start with the number 1.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.8-13

1 – 3 Count the birds. Say the number. Write the number. 4 Write the numbers in order. Start with the number 1.

Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 123

Question 5.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 124

orange flag=3
yellow flag = 2
green flag = 4
blue flag = 5
pink flag = 1

In the above question given that,
count the flags in the picture.
orange flag=3
yellow flag = 2
green flag = 4
blue flag = 5
pink flag = 1
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.8-14

Question 6.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 125

pink flag = 1
yellow flag = 2
orange flag = 3
green flag = 4
blue flag = 5

Given that write the numbers in order.
pink flag = 1
yellow flag = 2
orange flag = 3
green flag = 4
blue flag = 5
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.8-15

Question 7.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 126

blue flag = 5
green flag = 4
orange flag = 3
yellow flag = 2
pink flag = 1

Given that write the numbers in reverse order.
blue flag = 5
green flag = 4
orange flag = 3
yellow flag = 2
pink flag = 1
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.8-16

5 Count the flags in the picture. Say the number. Write the number.
6 Write the numbers in order. Start with the number 1.
7 Write the numbers in reverse order. Start with the number 5.

Count and Write Numbers 0 to 5 Performance Task

Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 127

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 128

a.The objects are three.

In the above-given figure,
there are 3 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it

b.The objects are zero.

In the above-given figure,
there are 0 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it

c.The objects are two.

In the above-given figure,
there are 2 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it

d.The objects are four.

In the above-given figure,
there are 4 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it

e.The objects are one.

In the above-given figure,
there are 1 object.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.8-17

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 129

The objects are five.

In the above-given figure,
there are 5 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.8-18

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 130

The objects are three.

In the above-given figure,
there are 3 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.8-19

1 Count the objects in the picture. Say the number. Write the number. Write the numbers in order. Start with the number 0. 2 A chicken lays five eggs. Draw to show how many eggs. 3 Show how many eggs in another way.

Count and Write Numbers 0 to 5 Activity

Number Land
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 131
Directions: Put the Subitizing Cards 0–5 into a pile. Start at Newton. Take turns drawing a card and moving your piece to the matching number. Repeat this process until you have gone around the board and back to Newton.

Count and Write Numbers 0 to 5 Chapter Practice 1

1.1 Model and Count 1 and 2

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 132

The objects are 2.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 2.
so we have to fill the color for 2 boxes.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.8-20

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 133

The object is one.

In the above-given figure,
The given object is 1.
so we have to fill the color for 1 box.

Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.8-21

1.2 Understand and Write 1 and 2

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 134

The object is one.

In the above-given figure,
there is 1 object.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.8-22

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 135

The objects are two.

In the above-given figure,
there are 2 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.8-23

Directions: 1 and 2 Count the objects. Color the boxes to show how many. 3 and 4 Count the objects. Say the number. Write the number.

1.3 Model and Count 3 and 4

Question 5.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 136

The objects are 3.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 3.
so we have to fill the color for 3 boxes.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.8-24

Question 6.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 137

The objects are 4.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 4.
so we have to fill the color for 4 boxes.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.8-25

1.4 Understand and Write 3 and 4

Question 7.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 138

The objects are four.

In the above-given figure,
there are 4 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.

Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.8-26

Question 8.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 139

The objects are three.

In the above-given figure,
there are 3 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.

Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.8-27

Directions: 5 and 6 Count the objects. Color the boxes to show how many. 7 and 8 Count the objects. Say the number. Write the number.

1.5 Model and Count 5

Question 9
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 140

The objects are 5.

In the above-given figure,
The given objects are 5.
so we have to fill the color for 5 boxes.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.8-28

1.6 Understand and Write 5

Question 10.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 141

The objects are five.

In the above-given figure,
there are 5 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.8-29

1.7 The Concept of Zero

Question 11.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 142

The objects are three.

In the above-given figure,
there are 3 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.

Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.8-30

Question 12.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 143

The objects are zero.

In the above-given figure,
there are 0 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.

Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.8-31

Directions: 9 Count the ears of corn. Color the boxes to show how many. 10 Count the beavers. Say the number. Write the number. 11 and 12 Count the owls. Say the number. Write the number.

1.8 Count and Order Numbers to 5

13 – 17
Count the objects. Say the number. Write the number. 18 Write the numbers in order. Start with the number 1.

Question 13.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 144

The objects are one.

In the above-given figure,
there is 1 object.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.

Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.8-32

Question 14.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 145

The objects are five.

In the above-given figure,
there are 5 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.

Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.8-33

Question 15.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 146

The objects are four.

In the above-given figure,
there are 4 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.

Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.8-35

Question 16.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 147

The objects are two.

In the above-given figure,
there are 2 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.

Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.8-36

Question 17.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 148

The objects are three.

In the above-given figure,
there are 3 objects.
so, we have to count it and we have to write it.

Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.8-37

Question 18.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 1 Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5 149

The numbers in order are 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

Given that 1.
write the numbers in order.
start with the number 1.
Big-Ideas-Math-Solutions-Grade-K-Chapter-1-Count and Write Numbers Numbers 0 to 5-1.8-38


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