Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100

Big Ideas Math Answer Key helps the students of Grade K to overcome the difficulties in maths. Learn the basics of maths by using the Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100. Refer to Big Ideas Math Book Solution Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 to enhance your math skills and to score good marks in the exams.

Big Ideas Math Book Answers Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100

Check out the topics covered in this chapter before your start practicing the problems. The topics included in this chapter are Count to 30 by Ones, Count to 50 by Ones, Count to 100 by Ones, Count by Tens and Ones, and so on. Think about the concept and learn how to solve the problems with the help of our Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100.


Lesson: 1 Count to 30 by Ones

Lesson: 2 Count to 50 by Ones

Lesson: 3 Count to 100 by Ones

Lesson: 4 Count to 100 by Tens

Lesson: 5 Count by Tens and Ones

Lesson: 6 Count by Tens from a Number

Chapter: 10 – Count to 100

Count to 100 Vocabulary

Circle 10 balloons. Then write an addition sentence to tell how many balloons there are in all.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 v 1


In the above picture 10 balloons are circled and the 5bvalloons without circle around them.If we add 10 with 5 we get 15.So, there are 15 balloons in all.

Vocabulary Cards

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 v 2
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 v 3

Lesson 10.1 Count to 30 by Ones

Explore and Grow

Point to each number as you count to 30. Color the number 30

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.1 1

color 30

I point to the 1 and is counted as 1, point to the 2 and is counted asĀ  2, point to the 3 and is counted as 3 and so on till 30 and coloured the number 30.

Think and Grow

Circle the missing number. Count to 30 starting with that number. Color the boxes as you count.

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.1 2
circle and color

In the above question, the first grid has an empty box after 22. So, what comes after 22? -23 comes after 22. Therefore circle 23, color, and count the number boxes from 23 to 30.
The second grid has an empty box after 8. So, what comes after 8? -9 comes after 8. Therefore circle 8, color, and count the number boxes from 8 to 30.
The third grid has an empty box after 19. So, what comes after 19? -20 comes after 19. Therefore circle 20, color, and count the number boxes from 20 to 30

Apply and Grow: Practice

1 Circle the missing number. Count to 30 starting with that number. Color the boxes as you count. 2 Circle the missing numbers. Tell how the missing numbers are alike. 3 Find and circle the number twenty-three.

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.1 3
circle 14 and color from 14 to 30

The grid has an empty box after 13. So, what comes after 13? -14 comes after 13. Therefore circle 14, color and count the number boxes from 14 to 30

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.1 4

circle 26,27,28.

The missing numbers are 26,27,28. The missing numbers are alike as they are in sequence.

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.1 5
Find and circle 23

Count the numbers by pointing each number when you reach the number 23 circle it.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

Circle the missing date for each sticker on the calendar. Circle the sticker that covers the earliest missing date. Underline the sticker that covers the latest missing date.

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.1 6

The missing date of each sticker are 14 in the flag sticker, 3 in the hat sticker and 29 in the balloons sticker.
The earliest missing date is 3 So, the hat sticker is circled and the latest missing date is 29 So, the balloons sticker is underlined.

Count to 30 by Ones Homework & Practice 10.1

1 and 2 Circle the missing number. Count to 30 starting with that number. Color the boxes as you count.

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.1 7
circle 28 and color number boxes from 28 to 30.

The grid has an empty box after 27. So, what comes after 27? -28 comes after 27. Therefore circle 28, color and count the number boxes from 28 to 30

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.1 8
circle 13 and color number boxes from 13 to 30.

The grid has an empty box after 12.So, what comes after 12? -13 comes after 12. Therefore circle 13, color and count the number boxes from 13 to 30

3 Circle the missing numbers. Tell how the missing numbers are alike. 4 Find and circle the number fourteen. 5 Circle the missing date for each sticker on the calendar. Circle the sticker that covers the earliest missing date. Underline sticker that covers the latest missing date.

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.1 9
circle 17,18,19.

The missing numbers are 17,18,19.The missing numbers are alike as they are in sequence

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.1 10
Find and circle 14

Count the numbers by pointing each number when you reach the number 14 circle it.

Question 5.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.1 11

The missing date of each sticker are 16 in the man sticker,13 in the balloons sticker.
The earliest missing date is 13 So, the balloons sticker is circled and the latest missing date is 16 So, the man sticker is underlined.

Lesson 10.2 Count to 50 by Ones

Explore and Grow

Point to each number as you count to 50. Color the number 50.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.2 1
circle 50

I point at 1 and count it as 1, I point at and count it as 2, I point at 3 and count it as 3, so on till 50 and color the number 50.

Think and Grow

Circle the missing number. Count to 50 starting with that number. Color the boxes as you count.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.2 2
circle and color

In the above question, the first grid has an empty box after 26.So, what comes after 26? -27 comes after 26. Therefore circle 27, color and count the number boxes from 27 to 50.
The second grid has an empty box after 43.So, what comes after 43? -44 comes after 43. Therefore circle 44, color and count the number boxes from 44 to 50.

Apply and Grow: Practice

1 Circle the missing number. Count to 50 starting with that number. Color the boxes as you count. 2 Circle the missing numbers. Tell how the missing numbers are alike. 3 Find and circle the numbers thirty-two and forty-seven.

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.2 3
circle 21 and color from 21 to 30.

The grid has an empty box after 20.So, what comes after 20? -21 comes after 20. Therefore circle 21, color and count the number boxes from 21 to 50.

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.2 4
Circle 37,38,39.

The missing numbers are 37,38,39. The missing numbers are alike as they are in sequence.
Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.2 5
Find and circle 23 and 47.

Count the numbers by pointing each number when you reach the number 32 circle it and continue counting the numbers by pointing each number again when you reach number 47 circle it.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

Circle the missing floor number for each color on the elevator keypad. Circle the color that covers the lowest missing floor number. Underline the color that covers the highest missing floor number.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.2 6

The missing floor number for each color on the elevator keypad are 31 in blue color,18 in yellow color and 35 in green color. Circle the yellow color as it covers the lowest missing floor number. Underline the green color as it covers the highest missing floor number

Count to 50 by Ones Homework & Practice 10.2

1 and 2 Circle the missing number. Count to 50 starting with that number. Color the boxes as you count.

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.2 7
Circle 34 and color from 34 to 50.

The grid has an empty box after 33.So, what comes after 34? -34 comes after 33. Therefore circle 34, color, and count the number boxes from 34 to 50.

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.2 8
circle 30 and color from 30 to 50.

The grid has an empty box after 29.So, what comes after 29? -30 comes after 29. Therefore circle 30, color, and count the number boxes from 30 to 50.

3 Circle the missing numbers. Tell how the missing numbers are alike. 4 Find and circle the numbers twenty-six and forty-two. 5 Circle the missing floor number for each color on the elevator keypad. Circle the color that covers the lowest missing floor number. Underline the color that covers the highest missing floor number.

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.2 9

The missing numbers are 41,42,43. The missing numbers are alike as they are in sequence.

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.2 10
Find and circle 26 and 42.

Count the numbers by pointing each number when you reach the number 26 circle it and continue counting the numbers by pointing each number again when you reach the number 42 circle it also.

Question 5.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.2 11

Circle the missing floor number 40 for blue color on the elevator keypad and 41 for yellow color on the elevator keypad. Circle the blue color as it covers the lowest missing floor number 40. Underline the yellow color as it covers the highest missing floor number 41.

Lesson 10.3 Count to 100 by Ones

Explore and Grow

Point to each number as you count to 100. Color the numbers30, 50, and 100.

Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.3 1
count and color 30,50,100.


I point at 1 and is count as 1, point to the 2 and is count it asĀ  2, the point at 3 and is count it as 3 and so on till 30 and colour the number 30.
I point at 31 and count it as 31, the point at 32 and count 32 and so on till 50 and color the numberĀ  50.
I point at 51 and count as 51, the point at 52 and count it as 52 and so on till 100 and color the number 100.

Think and Grow

Circle the first missing number. Count to 100 starting with that number. Color the boxes as you count. Circle the other missing numbers as you count and color to 100.

Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.3 2
Circle 36, 59,73 and color from 36 to 100.

In the above question, the first missing number is 36, circle the number 36, count and color till you find the second missing numberĀ  59, circle 59 and continue counting and coloring numbers until you find the number third missing number 73, circle 73, and count and color the numbers till 100.

Apply and Grow: Practice

1 Circle the first missing number. Count to 100 starting with that number. Color the boxes as you count. Circle the other missing numbers as you count and color to 100.

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.3 3
Circle 47,61,93 and color from 47 to 100.

In the above question, the first missing number is 47 circle the number 47, count and color till you find the second missing number 61, circle 61 and continue counting and coloring numbers until you find the number third missing number 93, circle 93 and count and color the numbers till 100.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

Directions: Your friend, Newton, and Descartes each have 10 prize tickets. They each lose 1 ticket.

  • Circle the owner of each lost ticket.
  • The winning ticket number is 1 more than 70. Circle the winning ticket number. Who is the winner? Circle the face of the winning ticket holder.

Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.3 4

In the above question the circle the owner of the lost ticket.
The owner of ticket 78 is Newton, 67 is me and 86 is Descartes.
The winning ticket is 71 so, circle ticket 71, the winner is Newton, and circle the face of Newton.

Count to 100 by Ones Homework & Practice 10.3

1 Circle the first missing number. Count to 100 starting with that number. Color the boxes as you count. Circle the other missing number as you count and color to 100.

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.3 5
Circle 53,83.


In the above question, the first missing number is 53 circle the number 53, count and color till you find the second missing number is 83, circle 83 and continue counting and coloring numbers until you reach 100.

2 Circle the missing numbers. 3 Newton and Descartes both have 10 prize tickets. They both lose 1 ticket. Circle the owner of each lost ticket. The winning ticket number is 1 more than 50. Circle the winning ticket number. Who is the winner? Circle the face of the winning ticket holder.

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.3 6
Circle the missing numbersĀ  79,80,81.

Find the missing numbers and choose the missing numbers from the options and circle them.

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.3 7

The missing numbers are 53 and 68.
The owner of lost ticket 53 is Newton and 68 is Descartes. circle the winning ticket number 51.
Newton is the winner and circle Newton.

Lesson 10.4 Count to 100 by Tens

Explore and Grow

Count to 10. Circle the number. Count 10 more. Circle the number. Repeat this process until you reach 100.

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.4 1
Count and circle 10,20,30,——100.

Count the numbers up to 10 and circle 10, count next up to 20 and circle 20, count again up to 30 and circle 30 and so on till you reach 100 and circle 100.

Think and Grow


  • Count to 100 by tens. Color the boxes as you count. Circle the missing decade number.
  • Count the linking cubes. Circle the number that tells how many.

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.4 2
Circle the missing decade number 90 and circle 70 after counting the linking cubes.

Count the decades 10,20,30,—- to find 90 and circle 90 and color the boxes you counted.
count the linking cubes and circle the number 70.

Apply and Grow: Practice

1 and 2 Count the objects. Circle the number that tells how many. 3 Count to 100 by tens. Color the boxes as you count. Circle the missing decade numbers.

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.4 3
Count and circle 30.

Count the objects there are 3 linking cubes of ten cubes each so, circle 30.

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.4 4
Count and circle 80.

Count the grapes bunches, there are 8 bunches of grapes and each bunch has 10 grapes.So, circle 80.

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.4 5
Count, color all the decade boxes and circle 20,30,40.

Count to 100 by tens. Color the boxes 10,20,30—-till 100 as you count. Circle the missing decade numbers 20,30,40.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

Directions: Newton and Descartes each toss 6 balls. Each time a ball lands in their bucket, they earn 10 points. The player with the most points wins.

  • Newton gets 3 balls in his bucket. Circle the number of points Newton earns. Draw a picture to show how you found your answer.
  • Descartes gets 5 balls in his bucket. Circle the number of points Descartes earns. Draw a picture to show how you found your answer.
  • Who earns more points? Circle the face of the winning player.

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.4 6

Descartes wins more points.

Newton gets 3 balls in his bucket. Circle the number of points 30. The picture is shown with 3 balls circled.
Descartes gets 5 balls in his bucket. Circle the number of 50. The picture is shown with 5 balls circled.
Descartes wins more points as he has more balls in his bucket and Descartes is the winner.

Count to 100 by Tens Homework & Practice 10.4

1 and 2 Count the objects. Circle the number that tells how many.

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.4 7
Circle 50.

Count the linking cubes of tens there are 5 lines of ten cubes each.So, circle the number 50.

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.4 8
Circle 70

Count the balloons bunches by tens and as there are 10 balloons in each bunch circle the number 70.

4 Count the bowling pins. Circle the number that tells how many. 5 Count to 100 by tens. Color the boxes as you count. Circle the missing decade numbers. 6 Each time a ball sticks to the wall you earn 10 points. Four of your balls stick to the wall. Circle the number of points you earn. Draw a picture to show how you found your answer.

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.4 9
circle 100

There are 10 groups of bowling pins and each group has 10 bowling pins.So, there are 100 bowling pins in all and circle 100.

Question 5.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.4 10
Circle 70,80,90.

Count the numbers by tens and color all the decades up to 100 and circle the missing numbers 70,80,90.

Question 6.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.4 11
circle 40.

When a ball sticks to the wall I earn 10 points, there are 4 balls on the wall. So, I earned 40 points in all. I found this from the picture and circled the 4 balls and the number 40.

Lesson 10.5 Count by Tens and Ones

Explore and Grow

Circle groups of 10 ladybugs. Count the ladybugs. Circle the number in the chart that tells how many. Color to show how you counted.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.5 1
Circle, count and color.

Count the ladybugs by tens, make 10 ladybugs as a group and circle them. There are 2 groups of ladybugs and there are 4 ladybugs left.Finally there are 24 ladybugs so, color 10,20,21,22,23 and 24.

Think and Grow

Count the linking cubes. Find the number in the hundred chart that tells how many. Color the number. Tell how you counted.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.5 2
Color 47,68 and 72.

Count linking cubes count by tens and ones. There are 4 lines of ten red cubes and 7 cubes. So, there are 47 red linking cubes in all. Therefore color 47. There are 6 lines of ten blue cubes and 8 cubes. So, there are 68 red linking cubes in all. Therefore color 68. There are 7 lines of ten green cubes and 2 cubes. So, there are 72 red linking cubes in all. Therefore color 72.

Apply and Grow: Practice

1 ā€“ 3 Count the objects. Circle the number that tells how many. Tell how you counted.

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.5 3
Circle 53

Count the number by tens and ones. In the above set of cube, there are 5 lines of ten linking cubes and 3 cubes. There are 53 linking cubes in all. So, circle 53.

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.5 4
Circle 29

Count the number by tens and ones. In the above set of crayons, there are 2 sets of ten crayons each and 9Ā  crayons. There are 29 crayons in all. So, circle 29.

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.5 5
Circle 84

Count the number by tens and ones. In the above picture, there are 8 flower vases with 10 flowers each and 4Ā  flowers. There are 84 flowers in all. So, circle 84.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

Directions: A toy store sells bouncy balls individually and in bags of 10.

  • Count the bouncy balls. Circle the number that tells how many.
  • The store orders 2 more bags of bouncy balls. Draw the new bags of balls.
  • Circle the number that tells how many bouncy balls the store has now.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.5 6

count by tens and ones
The toy store has 5 sets of 10 bouncy balls each and it has 9 individual bouncy balls. There are 59 balls in all. So, circle 59.
When the toy store orders 2 more bags of balls. The toy store now will have 20 more balls than 59. So, now the toy store has 79 bouncy balls in all. So, circle 79.

Count by Tens and Ones Homework & Practice 10.5

1 and 2 Count the objects. Circle the number that tells how many. Tell how you counted.

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.5 7
Circle 19

Count by tens and ones. There is a line of ten linking cubes and 9 individual cubes. There are 19 linking cubes in all. So, circle 19.

Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.5 8
Circle 47

Count by tens and ones. There are 4 packs of 10 ball each and there are 7 individual balls. There are 47 balls in all. So, circle 47.

3 and 4 Count the objects. Circle the number that tells how many. Tell how you counted. 5 Count the bottles of bubbles. Circle the number that tells how many. Draw 3 more packs of bubbles. Circle the number that tells how many bottles of bubbles there are now.

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.5 9
Circle 92

Count by tens and ones. There are 9 packs of ten markers each and 2 individual markers. There are 92 markers in all. So, circle 92.

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.5 10
Circle 63

Count by tens and ones. There are 6 packs of 10 packs of clay each and 3 individual packs of clay. There are 63 packs of clay in all. So, circle 63.

Question 5.
Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.5 11
circle 36 and 66

Count by tens and ones. There are 3 packs of 10 bottles of bubbles and 6 individual bottles of bubbles. There are 36 bottles of bubbles in all. So, circle 36.
When I draw 3 more packs of bottles of bubbles we will have 30 bottles more than the first. So, we will have 36+30 =66 bottles in all. So, circle 66.

Lesson 10.6 Count by Tens from a Number

Explore and Grow

Count each group of linking cubes. Circle the numbers in the chart that tell how many for each group. What is the same in each number? What is different in each number?

Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.6 1
Circle 7,17,27.

Count by tens and ones. There are three groups of linking cubes.
In the first group, there are 7 linking cubes. So, circle 7.
In the second group, there is 1 line of 10 linking cubes and 1 line of 7 linking cubes. There are 17 cubes in all in the second group. So, circle 17.
In the second group, there are 2 lines of 10 linking cubes and 1 line of 7 linking cubes. There are 27 cubes in all in the third group. So, circle 27.
In the three numbers, the ones place is the same and the tens place is different.

Think and Grow

Count by tens starting with the circled number. Circle the correct group of missing numbers.

Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.6 2
Circle 14,24,34 and 58,68,78.

Count by tens from the number 4 then the next decades are 14,24,34.So, circle 14,24,34.
Count by tens from the number 48 then the next decades are 58,68,78.So, circle 58,68,78.

Apply and Grow: Practice

1 ā€“ 3 Count by tens starting with the circled number. Circle the numbers that tell how you counted. 4 Circle the missing number. Tell how you counted.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.6 3

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.6 4
Circle 17.

Count by tens from the number 17 then the next decades are 27,37,47.So, circle 27,37,47.

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.6 5
Circle 34.

Count by tens from the number 34 then the next decades are 44,54,64.So, circle 44,54,64.

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.6 6
CircleĀ  56,66,76.

Count by tens from the number 46 then the next decades are 56,66,76.So, circle 56,66,76.

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.6 7
Circle 69.

Count by tens from the number 59 then the next decade is 69.So, circle 69.

Think and Grow: Modeling Real Life

A grocery store sells milk cartons individually and in boxes of 10.

  • Count the milk cartons. Circle the number that tells how many.
  • You need 75 milk cartons in all. Draw to show how many more boxes of milk cartons you need.

Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.6 8
Circle 25

Count by tens and ones. There are 2 boxes of 10 packs of milk and 5 individual milk packets in a grocery store. There are 25 milk packets in all. So, circle 25.
If we need 75 milk packets in all we have to draw 5 more boxes of 10 packs of milk each.

Count by Tens from a Number Homework & Practice 10.6

1 Count by tens starting with the circled number. Circle the missing numbers.

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.6 9
Circle 21,31,41.

Count by tens from the number 11 then the next decades are 21,31,41.So, circle 21,31,41.

2 ā€“ 4 Count by tens starting with the circled number. Circle the numbers that tell how you counted. 5 Circle the missing number. Tell how you counted. 6 Count the cups of applesauce. Circle the number that tells how many. You need 36 cups of applesauce in all. Draw to show how many more boxes you need.

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.6 10
Circle 72,82,92.

Count by tens from the number 62 then the next decades are 72,82,92.So, circle 72,82,92.

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.6 11
Circle 29,39,49.

Count by tens from the number 19 then the next decades are 29,39,49.So, circle 29,39,49.

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.6 12
Circle 63,73,83.

Count by tens from the number 53 then the next decades are 63,7,83.So, circle 63,73,83.

Question 5.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.6 13
Circle 87.

Count by tens from the number 77 then the next decade is 87. So, circle 87.

Question 6.
Big Ideas Math Solutions Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 10.6 14
circle 16

Count by tens and ones. There is a pack of 10 cups of apple sauce and there are 6 individual cups. There are 16 cups of apple sauce in all. So, circle 16.
If we need 36 cups we have to draw 2 more packs of 1o cups of sauce. Then the number of cups will be 36.

Count to 100 Performance Task

A store sells gift bags and party blowers in packages of 10 and individually. 1 Count the gift bags. Circle the number that tells how many. 2 You buy an equal number of party blowers and gift bags. Draw more party blowers to complete the picture. 3 You buy 3 more packages of party blowers for the adults. Circle the number that tells how many party blowers there are in all. Circle the group of numbers that tells how you counted.

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 1
Circle 56

Count by tens and ones. There are 5 boxes of 10 gift bags each and there are 6 individual bags. There are 56 gift bags in all. So, circle 56.

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 2
24 more party blowers are needed.

Count by tens and ones. There are 32 party blowers in the above picture. We need 56 blowers. Subtract 32 from 56, we get 24. So, we need to draw 24 more party blowers so that they will be equal to the number of gift bags.

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 3
Circle 66,76,86.

When I buy 3 more packages of party bombs count by tens. We already have 56 bombs so, count by tens ie 66,76,86.So, circle 66,76,86.

Count to 100 Activity

Hundred Chart Puzzle
Cut out the Hundred Chart Puzzle Pieces. Put the pieces together to complete the hundred chart.

Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 4

Count to 100 Chapter Practice

1 Circle the missing number. Count to 30 starting with that number. Color the boxes as you count. 2 Find and circle the number twenty-nine. 3 Circle the missing numbers. Tell how the missing numbers are alike.

10.1 Count to 30 by Ones

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 chp 1
Circle 17 and color from 17 to 30.

The grid has an empty box after 16. What comes after 16? -17 comes after 16. Therefore circle 17 and count and color the number boxes from 17 to 30.

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 chp 2
Circle 29

Count the numbers by pointing each number when you reach the number 29 circle it.

10.2 Count to 50 by Ones

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 chp 3
Circle 21,22,23.

Count numbers by ones. The missing numbers are 21,22,23. The missing numbers are alike as they are in sequence.

4 Circle the first missing number. Count to 100 starting with that number. Color the boxes as you count. Circle the other missing numbers as you count and color to 100.

10.3 Count to 100 by Ones

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 chp 4
Circle 22,55,71,89

In the above question, the first missing number is 22, circle the number 22, count and color till you find the second missing number 55, circle 55 and continue counting and coloring numbers until you find the number third missing number 71, circle 71, and count and color the numbers till you find the last missing number 89, circle 89 and count and color the numbers again till 100.

5 and 6 Count the objects. Circle the number that tells how many. 7 Count the crayons. Circle the number that tells how many. Tell how you counted.

10.4 Count to 100 by Tens

Question 5.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 chp 5
Circle 40

Count the numbers by tens. There are 4 groups of 10 balls each. So, circle 40.

Question 6.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 chp 6
Circle 60

Count by tens. There are 6 bunches of grapes of 10 grapes each. So, circle 60.

10.5 Count by Tens and Ones

Question 7.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 chp 7
circle 99

Count by tens and ones. There are 9 packs of crayons which contain 10 crayons in each pack and 9 individual crayons. So, circle 99.

8 Count the apples. Circle the number that tells how many. Draw 2 more bags of apples. Circle the number that tells how many apples there are now. 9 and 10 Count by tens starting with the circled number. Circle the numbers that tell how you counted. 11 Count the water bottles. Circle the number that tells how many. You need 42 water bottles in all. Draw to show how many more cases you need.

Question 8.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 chp 8
Circle 34,54.

count by tens and ones. There are 3 packs of 10 apples and 4 individual apples. So, circle 34. If I draw 2 more packs of apples then I will have 54 apples.

10.6 Count by Tens from a Number

Question 9.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 chp 9
Circle 19,29,39.

Count by tens. After 9 the next tens is 19, after 19 the next tens is 29 and after 29 the next tens is 39.Circle 19,29,39.

Question 10.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 chp 10
Circle 56,66,76

Count by tens. After 46 the next tens is 56, after 56 the next tens is 66 and after 66 the next tens is 76.So, circle 56,66,76.

Question 11.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 chp 11
Circle 32

Count by tens and ones. There are 3 cases of 10 water bottles each and 2 separate water bottles. So, circle 32. If I need 42 water bottles I need to draw 1 more case of 10 water bottles.

Count to 100 Cumulative Practice

Shade the circle next to the answer. 1 and 2 Which number tells how many? 3 Which number completes the addition sentence?

Question 1.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 cp 1

Count by ones. There are 20 markers in the above picture. So, shade the circle next to 20.

Question 2.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 cp 2


Count by tens. There are 9 lines of 10 linking cubes each. So, shade the circle next to 90.

Question 3.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 cp 3

Count by ones.After 3 comes 4 or 3+1=4.So, shade the circle next to 4.

Shade the circle next to the answer. 4 Which number sentence does not tell how many flowers there are in all? 5 Which number is not greater than 7? 6 Which ten frame shows the number of tomatoes?

Question 4.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 cp 4

Count by ones. There are 10 flowers in the first box and 5 flowers in the second box. Add the flowers in both the boxes ie 10+5 or 5+10 =15. Therefore there are 15 flowers in all. The number sentence 15-10=5 is wrong. So, shade the circle next to the number sentence 15-10=5.

Question 5.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 cp 5

Count by ones. Number 9 is 2 more than number 7. Number 8 is 1 more than number 7.Number 10 is 3 more than number 7. Number 6 is one less than number 7.So, shade the circle next to 6.

Question 6.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 cp 6

Count by ones. In the above picture, there are 2 sets of 5 tomatoes each. There are 10 tomatoes in all. So, shade the circle next to option 10.

7 Count the peaches. Say the number. Write the number. 8 Circle the missing number. Count to 100 starting with that number. Color boxes as you count. Then circle a number in the chart that is greater than the missing number. 9 Draw 19 leaves on the ground. Write the number.

Question 7.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 cp 7

Count the given peaches by ones. there are 11 peaches in all. So, write 11.

Question 8.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 cp 8
Circle 84 and 93.

There is an empty box after 83.84 comes after 83. So, circle 84 and count and color from 54 t0 100. As 93 is greater than 84 circle the number 93.

Question 9.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 cp 9

Count by ones and draw 19 leaves. So, write the number 19.

10 Count forward from 9 and stop at 14. Write the numbers you count. 11 Take apart the linking cubes. Circle the parts. Then write a subtraction sentence by taking one of the parts from the whole. 12 Count the granola bars. Circle the number that tells how many. You need 48 granola bars in all. Draw to show how many more boxes you need.

Question 10.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 cp 10

Count by ones.After 9 comes 10,11,12,13.

Question 11.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 cp 11

Separate the linking cubes. Count by ones. There are 9 linking cubes in all. If we separate 1 cube from whole cubes the number sentence will be 9-1=8.

Question 12.
Big Ideas Math Answer Key Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 cp 12
Circle 18

Count by tens and ones. There is 1 box of granola bars and 8 individual granola bars. So, there are 18 bars in all. Therefore circle 18. If I need 48 granola bars in all then I have to add 3 more boxes of bars. So, draw 3 boxes of granola bars.


I hope the details mentioned in Big Ideas Math Answers Grade K Chapter 10 Count to 100 are beneficial for elementary school students. The concepts of maths are applicable in modeling Real life. Improve your knowledge by referring to BIM Grade K Answer Key Chapter 10 Count to 100. Keep in touch with our page to get the latest information regarding BIM Kth Grade Answer Key from Chapters 1 to 13.

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