Here you can have knowledge about one-digit numbers, examples of one-digit numbers, comparison of one-digit numbers. How to arrange numbers in ascending order and descending order. Check the solved examples on comparison of one-digit numbers. You can have a better understanding of this concept by going through this entire article.
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One-Digit Number – Definition
One-Digit Number has only One Digit. Of all the One-Digit Numbers 1 is the smaller one-digit number and 9 is the greatest one-digit number. There are 10 One-Digit Numbers in Decimal System including 0.
For Example 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 are one-digit numbers.
How to Compare One-Digit Numbers?
We can compare numbers depending on their values. value of a number is found by adding place values of the digits. we can find the value of the One-Digit Number by its place or face value. The place value or face value of a one-digit number is the same.
The number which has a greater face or place value is greater than the number which has a smaller face value. Greater than symbol is > and less than symbol is <.
Comparison of One-Digit Numbers Examples
8 is greater than 6
7 is greater than 2
9 is greater than 5
6 is greater than 5
7 is less than 9
We also know 3<9 or 9>3
The value of 9 is greater than 3
The value of 3 is less than 9
similarly 5<8 or 8>5
The value of 8 is greater than 5
The value of 5 is less than 8
One-Digit Number is always smaller than Two-digit, Three-digit, Four-digit Number, etc. For Example
3<10 or 10>3
One-Digit Number is 3.
Two-Digit Number is 10.
One-Digit Number 3 is less than Two-Digit Number 10.
5<100 or 100>5
One-Digit Number is 5.
Three-Digit Number is 100.
One-Digit Number 5 is less than Three-Digit Number 100.
Numbers can be arranged in two ways. i.e. 1.Ascending Order 2.Descending order.
Arranging 1 Digit Numbers in Ascending Order
In ascending Order, numbers are arranged from smaller to larger. i.e. smaller numbers come first and then larger numbers.
For Example Arrange the digits 1, 7, 3, 5, 9, 6 in Ascending Order
The numbers arranged in ascending order are 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9.
Arrange the digits 2,5,7,3,8,9 in Ascending Order
The numbers arranged in ascending order are 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9.
Arranging 1 Digit Numbers in Descending Order
In Descending Order, numbers are arranged from larger to smaller. i.e. larger numbers come first and then smaller numbers.
For Example Arrange the digits 1, 7, 3, 5, 9, 6 in Descending Order
The numbers arranged in descending order are 9, 7, 6, 5, 3, 1.
Arrange the digits 2,5,7,3,8,9 in Descending Order
The numbers arranged in descending order are 9, 8, 7, 5, 3, 2.
FAQ’s on Comparing 1 Digit Numbers
1. Is the Face value or place value of one-digit numbers the same?
The face value or place value of one-digit numbers are the same.
2. What is the face value of 7?
The face value of 7 is 7.
3. How one-digit numbers are compared?
One-digit numbers are compared by using face values. The number which has a greater face value or place value is greater than the number which has a lesser face or place value.
4. How many ways one-digit numbers can be arranged?
One-digit numbers can be arranged in two ways i.e. Ascending Order and Descending order.
5. What is the symbol of greater than?
The symbol of greater than is >.
6. What is the symbol of less than?
The symbol of less than is <.