Conversion of Mixed into Improper Fractions | How to Turn a Mixed Fraction to an Improper Fraction?

Do you want to know the Conversion of Mixed into Improper Fractions? Then, check the entire article where you can get a bulk knowledge of converting mixed fractions to improper fractions. You will come to know the detailed explanation with images and examples. Conversion of mixed fractions into improper fractions helps for everyday use. Generally, Mixed fractions will have both the fraction and whole numbers.

Mixed Fractions = Integer(Numerator/Denominator)


Suppose that a group of 8 friends ordered 2 pizzas of 6 pieces each. Each of them took one piece from it and so 8 pieces were remaining. For the next round, only 4 people were interested to eat and the total number of pieces left was 8.

Hence, each of them gets \(\frac {1}{2} \) piece of the remaining pizza. Therefore, the total amount of pizza 4 people ate was 1 \(\frac {1}{2} \). Here 1 \(\frac {1}{2} \) is the mixed fraction.

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How to Convert Mixed Fractions into Improper Fractions?

Converting the mixed fractions into improper fractions involves various steps. The steps are as follows:

Step 1:
Obtain the mixed fraction and multiply the whole part with the fraction’s denominator.
Step 2:
Add the resultant value to the numerator
Step 3:
The result in step 2 will be the numerator of the improper fraction
Step 4:
The denominator will be the same as the mixed fraction. Hence  it forms an improper fraction

Converting Mixed Fractions into Improper Fractions Problems

Check out all the examples given here. We have explained every question with a clear explanation and with images.

Example 1:

Convert the mixed fraction 5\(\frac {7}{12} \) into improper fractions?


Step 1: Multiply the whole number with a denominator
Start converting the mixed fraction into an improper fraction. Multiply the whole number part which is present before the fraction with the denominator of the fraction. Suppose that you need to turn 5\(\frac {7}{12} \) into the improper fraction, then the result of step 1 will be
5 * 12 ⇒ 60

Step 2: Add the resultant to the numerator
The resultant in step 1, should be added to the numerator in the mixed fraction. From the example fraction of 5\(\frac {7}{12} \), we obtain the result of step 2 as
5 * 12 ⇒ 60
60 + 7 = 67

Step 3: Find the numerator of the improper fraction
The resultant value of step 3 is the numerator of the improper fraction.

Step 4: Find the denominator and form the improper fraction
Make use of the numerator in step 3 and the denominator will be the same value of the mixed fraction. In the above step, the numerator is 67 and the denominator is 12. Hence the resultant improper fraction is \(\frac {67}{12} \).

Conversion of Mixed into Improper Fractions 1

Example 2:

Convert the mixed fraction 5\(\frac {2}{3} \) into improper fraction?


Conversion of mixed fractions to improper fractions involves the following steps:

  1. Multiply the whole number with the denominator of the fraction ⇒ 5 * 3 = 15
  2. Add the resultant to the numerator ⇒ 15 + 2 = 17
  3. The resultant is the numerator and the improper fraction is \(\frac {17}{3} \)

Conversion of Mixed into Improper Fractions 2

Example 3:

Convert the mixed fraction 3\(\frac {1}{4} \) into improper fraction?


Conversion of mixed fractions to improper fractions involves the following steps:

  1. Multiply the whole number with the denominator of the fraction ⇒ 3 * 4 = 12
  2. Add the resultant to the numerator ⇒ 12 + 1 = 13
  3. The resultant is the numerator and the improper fraction is \(\frac {13}{4} \)

Conversion of Mixed into Improper Fractions 3

Example 4:

Convert the mixed fraction 64\(\frac {1}{4} \) into improper fraction?


Conversion of mixed fractions to improper fractions involves the following steps:

  1. Multiply the whole number with the denominator of the fraction ⇒ 64 * 4 = 256
  2. Add the resultant to the numerator ⇒ 256 + 1 = 257
  3. The resultant is the numerator and the improper fraction is \(\frac {257}{4} \)

Conversion of Mixed into Improper Fractions 4

Example 5:

Convert the mixed fraction 11\(\frac {3}{8} \) into improper fraction?


Conversion of mixed fractions to improper fractions involves the following steps:

  1. Multiply the whole number with a denominator of the fraction ⇒ 11 * 8 = 88
  2. Add the resultant to the numerator ⇒ 88 + 3 = 91
  3. The resultant is the numerator and the improper fraction is \(\frac {91}{8} \)

Conversion of Mixed into Improper Fractions 5

FAQs on How to Convert Mixed Fractions into Improper Fractions

1. How to change mixed fractions into improper fractions?

  1. Multiply the whole number with the denominator.
  2. Add the resultant to the numerator
  3. Form the improper fraction with the resultant value as numerator and denominator of mixed fraction as the original denominator.

2. What is the improper fraction of 8\(\frac {6}{5} \)?

8\(\frac {6}{5} \) can be written as \(\frac {46}{5} \) in the improper fraction.

3. What is the rule for improper fractions?

Step 1: You have to divide the numerator by denominator.
Step 2: The quotient value must be written as the whole number.
Step 3: In the final step, use the remainder as the final numerator of the proper fraction.

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