Eureka Math Grade 1 Module 1 Lesson 13 Answer Key

Engage NY Eureka Math 1st Grade Module 1 Lesson 13 Answer Key

Eureka Math Grade 1 Module 1 Lesson 13 Problem Set Answer Key

With a partner, create a story for each of the number sentences below. Draw a picture to show. Write the number bond to match the story.

Question 1.
6 + 2 = Eureka Math Grade 1 Module 1 Lesson 13 Problem Set Answer Key 0.1
Eureka Math Grade 1 Module 1 Lesson 13 Problem Set Answer Key 100

Answer: 8
The number bond Canbe be formed using 6 and 2
given :
addition of 2 numbers
By adding 6 with 2 we get 8
Form the number bond by breaking the number 8 into two parts. The value of the first part is 6 and the value of the second part is 2

Question 2.
5 + 5 = Eureka Math Grade 1 Module 1 Lesson 13 Problem Set Answer Key 0.1
Eureka Math Grade 1 Module 1 Lesson 13 Problem Set Answer Key 100

Answer: 10
The number bond Canbe be formed using 5 and 5
given :
addition of 2 numbers
By adding 5 with 5 we get 10
Form the number bond by breaking the number 10 into two parts. The value of the first part is 5 and the value of the second part is 5
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Question 3.
5 + Eureka Math Grade 1 Module 1 Lesson 13 Problem Set Answer Key 0.1 = 7
Eureka Math Grade 1 Module 1 Lesson 13 Problem Set Answer Key 100

Answer: 2
The number bond Canbe be formed using 7 and 5
Given :
Two numbers are 7 and 5
Subract 5 from 7 we get 2
Form the number bond by breaking the number 7 into two parts. The value of the first part is 5 and the value of the second part is 2
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Question 4.
6 + Eureka Math Grade 1 Module 1 Lesson 13 Problem Set Answer Key 0.1 = 10
Eureka Math Grade 1 Module 1 Lesson 13 Problem Set Answer Key 100

Answer: 4
The number bond Can be be formed using 6 and 10
Given :
Two numbers are 6 and 10
Subract 6 from 10 we get 4
Form the number bond by breaking the number 10 into two parts. The value of the first part is 6 and the value of the second part is 4
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Eureka Math Grade 1 Module 1 Lesson 13 Exit Ticket Answer Key

Tell a math story for each number sentence by drawing a picture.

Question 1.
5 + 1 = 6

We broke the number 10 into two parts. The value of the first part is 5 and the value of the second part is 1.
And the total sum is the addition of 5 with1 we get 6
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Question 2.
3 + ? = 8

Answer: 5
We broke the number 8 into two parts. The value of the first part is 3 and the value of the second part is 3.
And the total sum is the addition of 5 with 3 we get 8
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Eureka Math Grade 1 Module 1 Lesson 13 Homework Answer Key

Use the number sentences to draw a picture, and fill in the number bond to tell a math story.

Question 1.
5 + 2 = 7
Eureka Math 1st Grade Module 1 Lesson 13 Homework Answer Key 5

Answer: 7
The stars are the total number of objects
We broke the number 7 into two parts. The value of the first part is 5 and the value of the second part is 2.
And the total sum is the addition of 5 with 2 we get 7

Question 2.
3 + 6 = 9
Eureka Math 1st Grade Module 1 Lesson 13 Homework Answer Key 6

We broke the number 9 into two parts. The value of the first part is 3 and the value of the second part is 6.
And the total sum is the addition of 3 with 6 we get 9

Question 3.
7 + ? = 9
Eureka Math 1st Grade Module 1 Lesson 13 Homework Answer Key 7

Answer: 2
Given : two numbers are 7 and 9
By subracting 7 from 9 we get 2
2 is the missing number.
We broke the number 9 into two parts. The value of the first part is 7 and the value of the second part is 2.
And the total sum is the addition of 7 with 2 we get 9

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