Engage NY Eureka Math 3rd Grade Module 5 Lesson 1 Answer Key
Eureka Math Grade 3 Module 5 Lesson 1 Problem Set Answer Key
Question 1.
A beaker is considered full when the liquid reaches the fill line shown near the top. Estimate the amount of water in the beaker by shading the drawing as indicated. The first one is done for you.
Explanation :
The First Beaker contains the liquid of half of the beaker. whereas , the second beaker should be marked to 1 fourth that means where it takes four parts to make a whole. so, half of the first beaker gives the 1 fourth quantity of the second beaker and it is marked .
The Third beaker should be marked to 1 third that means One third is one part of three equal parts. the beaker quantity is divided into 3 equal parts and marked only one part that gives 1 third part as shown in above figure .
Question 2.
Juanita cut her string cheese into equal pieces as shown in the rectangles below. In the blanks below, name the fraction of the string cheese represented by the shaded part.
Explanation :
Figure 1 shows the cheese is divided into 3 parts and 1 part is shaded so it is 1 shaded part / total parts 3 means 1 third part
Figure 2 shows the cheese is divided into 6 parts and 1 part is shaded so it is 1 shaded part / total parts 6 means 1 Sixth part .
Figure 3 shows the cheese is divided into 4 parts and 1 part is shaded so it is 1 shaded part / total parts 4 means 1 Fourth part .
Question 3.
a. In the space below, draw a small rectangle. Estimate to split it into 2 equal parts. How many lines did you draw to make 2 equal parts? What is the name of each fractional unit?
b. Draw another small rectangle. Estimate to split it into 3 equal parts. How many lines did you draw to make 3 equal parts? What is the name of each fractional unit?
c. Draw another small rectangle. Estimate to split it into 4 equal parts. How many lines did you draw to make 4 equal parts? What is the name of each fractional unit?
Explanation :
Figure a – Divided into 2 equal parts and 1 line is used to divide the rectangle into 2 equal parts . Each is 1/2 fractional unit .
Figure b – Divided into 3 equal parts and 2 lines are used to divide the rectangle into 3 equal parts . Each is 1/3 fractional unit .
Figure c – Divided into 4 equal parts and 3 lines are used to divide the rectangle into 4 equal parts . Each is 1/4 fractional unit .
Question 4.
Each rectangle represents 1 sheet of paper.
a. Estimate to show how you would cut the paper into fractional units as indicated below.
b. What do you notice? How many lines do you think you would draw to make a rectangle with 20 equal parts?
a :
Explanation :
To Divided the given rectangle into 7 equal parts and 6 lines are used. Each part is 1/7 fractional unit .
To Divided the given rectangle into 9 equal parts and 8 lines are used. Each part is 1/9 fractional unit .
Answer b :
I notice that you draw one line less than the number of parts you want . you draw 19 lines to make a rectangle with 20 equal parts .
Question 5.
Rochelle has a strip of wood 12 inches long. She cuts it into pieces that are each 6 inches in length. What fraction of the wood is one piece? Use your strip from the lesson to help you. Draw a picture to show the piece of wood and how Rochelle cut it.
Explanation :
Length of the wooden strip = 12 inches .
Length of wooden strip after cutting = 6 inches .
Fraction of the 1 wooden piece after cutting =1 wooden piece length after cutting ÷ total length = 6 ÷ 12 = 1 ÷ 2
Eureka Math Grade 3 Module 5 Lesson 1 Exit Ticket Answer Key
Question 1.
Name the fraction that is shaded.
Explanation :
Fractional Shaded part = shaded part ÷ Total parts = 1 ÷ 4 = 1 Fourth
Question 2.
Estimate to partition the rectangle into thirds.
Explanation :
Given figure is divided into 3 equal parts and Fraction of each part is one third . 2 lines are used to divided the rectangle into 3 equal parts .
Question 3.
A plumber has 12 feet of pipe. He cuts it into pieces that are each 3 feet in length. What fraction of the pipe would one piece represent? (Use your strip from the lesson to help you.)
Explanation :
Length of the pipe = 12 feet
length of each strip = 3 feet
Number of strips = Length of the pipe ÷ length of each strip = 12 ÷ 3 = 4 strips
Fraction of the pipe strip = length of each strip ÷ Length of the pipe = 3 ÷ 12 = 1 ÷ 4 .
Eureka Math Grade 3 Module 5 Lesson 1 Homework Answer Key
Question 1.
A beaker is considered full when the liquid reaches the fill line shown near the top. Estimate the amount of water in the beaker by shading the drawing as indicated. The first one is done for you.
Explanation :
The second Beaker is divided into 5 equal parts and one part is shaded that shows the 1 fifth part as shown in above figure .
The Third Beaker is divided into 6 equal parts and one part is shaded that shows the 1 sixth part as shown in above figure .
Question 2.
Danielle cut her candy bar into equal pieces as shown in the rectangles below. In the blanks below, name the fraction of candy bar represented by the shaded part.
Explanation :
Figure a – Divided into 3 equal parts and 3 lines are used to divide the rectangle into 3 equal parts .1 part is shaded so, Each is 1/3 fractional unit .
Figure b – Divided into 4 equal parts and 3 lines are used to divide the rectangle into 4 equal parts .1 part is shaded so, Each is 1/4 fractional unit .
Figure c – Divided into 7 equal parts and 6 lines are used to divide the rectangle into 7 equal parts . 1 part is shaded so, Each is 1/7 fractional unit .
Question 3.
Each circle represents 1 whole pie. Estimate to show how you would cut the pie into fractional units as indicated below.
Explanation :
Explanation :
Figure a shows the 1 pie is divided into 2 parts and 1 part is shaded so Fractional part is 1 shaded part / 2 total parts
so, Each part is 1 half part
Figure b shows the 1 pie is divided into 3 parts and 1 part is shaded so Fractional part is 1 shaded part / 3 total parts
so, Each part is 1 Thirds part
Figure c shows the 1 pie is divided into 6 parts and 1 part is shaded so Fractional part is 1 shaded part / 6 total parts
so, Each part is 1 sixths part
Question 4.
Each rectangle represents 1 sheet of paper. Estimate to draw lines to show how you would cut the paper into fractional units as indicated below.
Explanation :
Explanation :
Figure a shows The Rectangle is divided into 2 parts and 1 Fractional part is 1 half part.
Figure b shows The Rectangle is divided into 4 parts and 1 Fractional part is 1 Fourth part
Figure c shows The Rectangle is divided into 8 parts and 1 Fractional part is 1 Eights part
Question 5.
Each rectangle represents 1 sheet of paper. Estimate to draw lines to show how you would cut the paper into fractional units as indicated below.
Explanation :
Fig a – To Divided the given rectangle into 6 equal parts and 5 lines are used. Each part is 1/6 fractional unit .
Fig b – To Divided the given rectangle into 3 equal parts and 2 lines are used. Each part is 1/3 fractional unit .
Question 6.
Yuri has a rope 12 meters long. He cuts it into pieces that are each 2 meters long. What fraction of the rope is one piece? Draw a picture. (You might fold a strip of paper to help you model the problem.)
Explanation :
Explanation :
Length of the pipe = 12 meters
length of each strip = 2 meters
Number of strips = Length of the pipe ÷ length of each strip = 12 ÷ 2 = 6 strips
Fraction of the pipe strip = length of each strip ÷ Length of the pipe = 2 ÷ 12 = 1 ÷ 6 = 1 sixth Fraction . .
Question 7.
Dawn bought 12 grams of chocolate. She ate half of the chocolate. How many grams of chocolate did she eat?
Answer: 6
Weight of chocolate = 12 grams
Chocolate eaten by Dawn = half of the chocolate =12 grams ÷ 2 = 6 grams .