Engage NY Eureka Math Kindergarten Module 4 Lesson 2 Answer Key
Eureka Math Kindergarten Module 4 Lesson 2 Problem Set Answer Key
Question 1.
The squares below represent a cube stick. Color the squares to match the rabbits. 4 squares gray. 1 square black. Draw the squares in the number bond.
In the image there are 5 rabbits in the park out of which 4 are grey and 1 black.
These are represented with squares.
Grey square for grey rabbits. Black square for Black rabbit.
Here they are represented in cube stick and number bond form.
In the number bond 5 is represented at the top and then 4 grey rabbits in the bottom and 1 black rabbit in the other circle.
Using Numerals it is: 4 + 1 = 5.
And in words it is: ” Four plus One equals Five”.
4 grey rabbits and 1 black rabbit makes 5 rabbits.
Question 2.
Show the parts of the number bond on your fingers. Color the fingers you used.
I have used number 8 in the number bond as a sum. So to make 8 i have used my two hands fingers.
I colored 5 fingers of one hand orange and 3 fingers blue on the other hand.
5 + 3 = 8.
In words = “Five plus Three makes Eight.”
rabbits and rabbits make
Eureka Math Kindergarten Module 4 Lesson 2 Homework Answer Key
Question 1.
The squares below represent a cube stick. Color some squares blue and the rest of the squares red. Draw the squares you colored in the number bond. Show the hidden partners on your fingers to an adult. Color the fingers you showed.
Given a 5 cube stick.
used blue and red colors to color the cube stick. To fill the cube stick i colored 3 blue and 2 red. and used the finger to show the representation.
showed 3 blue on the leg hand fingers and 2 red on the right hand fingers.
Representing 5 in the number bond as a sum. So to make 5 Squares are represented on the top circle.
3 blue squares on Right circle and 2 red Squares on the Left circle.
3 + 2 = 5
In words = “Three plus Two makes Five.”
Given a 5 cube stick.
used blue and red colors to color the cube stick. To fill the cube stick i colored 2 blue and 3 red. and used the finger to show the representation.
showed 2 blue fingers and 3 red fingers on the Left hand fingers.
Representing 5 in the number bond as a sum. So to make 5 Squares are represented on the bottom circle.
2 Blue Squares on the left circle and 3 red Square on the Right circle.
2 + 3 = 5.
In words = “Two plus Three makes Five.”