Everyday Mathematics Grade K Answer Key Unit 5 Section 5
Everyday Mathematics Grade K Home Link 5.1 Answers
Counting on the Number Grid
Family Note
The 0–100 number grid is a mathematical tool that children can use to help them count, explore number patterns, and develop an understanding of place value. Display the number grid (on the following page) in your home and use it to complete the fun activities below. Return to the number grid frequently to practice the activities with your child.
Look for patterns on the number grid.
- What happens as you move your finger across a row? When you move your finger down a column?
- Where are the smaller numbers? Where are the larger numbers? Close your eyes and point to a number on the grid.
- Count up to that number from 1.
- Or count from that number up to 100.
Take turns covering a number with a coin and guessing what the number is. Then say the number right before and right after that number.
Put a coin on the 0 space and roll one or two dice. Move your coin forward the number of spaces shown on the dice, following the order of the numbers on the number grid. Continue until you reach 100!
Invent your own number-grid activities and games!
Reaching the number 100 from 0.
Use the Dice as the tool to play the game with anyone in your Home.
Start With Zero and who reaches first 100 among all players is going to be the Winner.
Reaching the number 100 from 0.
Use the Dice as the tool to play the game with anyone in your Home.
Start With Zero and who reaches first 100 among all players is going to be the Winner.
Use the number grid chart given below.
Invent your own number-grid activities and games!
Everyday Mathematics Grade K Home Link 5.4 Answers
Drawing Favorite Family Shapes
Family Note
At school, children are learning to draw shapes. Although drawing is a skill that many Kindergarten children are just developing, it can be used to help them understand the characteristics of shapes. Support your child with this activity by having him or her describe the number of sides and vertices (corners) in the shapes they want to draw. Don’t worry if the shapes aren’t perfectly drawn.
Ask your family members and friends to tell you their favorite shapes.
Draw and label them below. Describe the shapes to someone.
Draw your favorite shape too!
Drawing Favorite Family Shapes.
Players: Me and my Mommy.
Favorite shape of mine : Star is my favorite shape among all shapes because I love the stars in the sky.
Favorite shape of Mommy: Cuboid is her favorite shape because she loves reading books and cuboid shapes are her books.
Drawing Favorite Family Shapes.
Players: Me and my Mommy.
Shapes drawn by me: Heart, Star.
Shapes drawn by Mommy: Triangle , Cuboid , Plus
Favorite shape of mine : Star is my favorite shape among all shapes because I love the stars in the sky.
Favorite shape of Mommy: Cuboid is her favorite shape because she loves reading books and cuboid shapes are her books.
Everyday Mathematics Grade K Home Link 5.5 Answers
I Spy with Shapes
Family Note
Your child is learning to recognize and name a variety of shapes. Ask him or her questions about an object’s shape whenever the opportunity arises. To broaden your child’s knowledge of shapes, be sure to highlight shapes in a variety of sizes and orientations. (Without adult assistance, many children only recognize prototypical shapes, such as a triangle with equal sides or a triangle sitting on one of its bases.) By pointing out and discussing the variety of shapes all around, you will help your child build awareness of geometry concepts and vocabulary.
Play I Spy with Shapes with someone. Pick an object that you can see. Give a clue about the shape of the object. Then have the other person guess which object you are describing. Begin with easy clues and then give some harder ones.
• “I spy something that is square.”
• “I spy something on the wall that is round and has two hands.”
• “I spy something that is a rectangle and has rectangular buttons.”
Take turns giving clues and guessing.
Play I Spy with Shapes with someone.
• “I spy something that is on the table which is square in shape.”
• “I spy something on the wall that is colorful and rectangle shape.”
• “I spy something on the wall that gives light.”
Play I Spy with Shapes with someone.
• “I spy something that is on the table which is square in shape.”
• “I spy something on the wall that is colorful and rectangle shape.”
• “I spy something on the wall that gives light.”
Everyday Mathematics Grade K Home Link 5.8 Answers
Teen Partners
Family Note
Children have been learning to count, read, and represent the numbers 10 through 20 with groups of objects. Use this activity to help your child understand that each of these numbers is composed of a ten plus some more ones. (For example, ten and zero more ones are 10, ten and five more ones are 15, and ten and ten more ones are 20.)
Point to and read a number from the strip below.
Ask a family member to show ten fingers.
Use your fingers to complete the number.
Count the fingers all together. Cross the number off the strip and do it again with a new number.
Me and my Mommy were playing this game.
I started counting the fingers of mine with my Mommy’s fingers.
Me and my Daddy were playing this game.
I started counting the fingers of mine with my Daddy’s fingers.
Me and my Mommy were playing this game.
I started counting the fingers of mine with my Mommy’s fingers.
First count : ten and zero more ones are 10.
Second count : ten and five more ones are 15.
Third count : ten and ten more ones are 20.
Me and my Daddy were playing this game.
I started counting the fingers of mine with my Daddy’s fingers.
First count : ten and one more ones are 11.
Second count : ten and five more ones are 15.
Third count : ten and ten more ones are 20.
Everyday Mathematics Grade K Home Link 5.10 Answers
Number Stories with Addition
Family Note
Your child has been learning about the addition (or plus) symbol. Share stories that involve putting together or adding to groups of objects to help your child connect the addition symbol to real-world contexts.
Cut out the addition symbol (+).
Take turns telling and solving number stories that use addition. For example: Two children were on the playground, and three more came to play. How many children were there all together?
Use pennies or other small objects and the addition symbol (+) to act out, or model, the stories.
Draw or write one of your number stories below.
There are four apples in the fridge. Later two more apples were kept in the fridge by your mother. How many apples are in the fridge now?
Number of apples in the fridge = 4 or Four.
Number of apples kept in the fridge by your mother = 2 or Two.
Total number of apples in the fridge now = 4 + 2 = 6 or Six.
There are four apples in the fridge. Later two more apples were kept in the fridge by your mother. How many apples are in the fridge now?
Number of apples in the fridge = 4 or Four.
Number of apples kept in the fridge by your mother = 2 or Two.
Total number of apples in the fridge now = Number of apples in the fridge + Number of apples kept in the fridge by your mother
= 4 + 2
= 6 or Six.
Everyday Mathematics Grade K Home Link 5.11 Answers
Snack Addition
Family Note
Your child has been learning about adding and about the addition symbol. Cut out the symbol below to make simple addition expressions with snacks. Place the snacks in scattered arrangements to give your child practice counting and organizing scattered sets, which can be difficult.
Put a small number of snacks, such as cereal or raisins, on a table and count them.
Cut out the addition symbol (+) and put it next to the snacks.
Put another group of snacks next to the addition symbol and count them.
Remove the addition symbol and put all the snacks together in one pile. Count the snacks and say how
many there are all together. Count again to check.
Repeat with other numbers and snacks.
Snack Addition:
Count the snacks on the table.
Do the addition of the two snacks on the table.
Snack Addition:
Number of pan bread = 6 or Six.
Number of bun cakes = 2 or Two.
Total number of snacks = Number of pan bread + Number of bun cakes
= 6 + 2
= 8 or Eight.