Numbers have names in words. A digit is a single symbol used to make numerals. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 are the ten digits we use in everyday numerals. In this article, students will learn numbers and their names. Learning numbers with their names will help them to improve their number writing skills quickly. Parents and teachers encourage students to learn numbers and give them support so that they can learn fastly and interestingly.
You can use this page and download this page for free and take a printout of this download so that kids will practice easily. On this page, you will learn numbers and their names from 1 to 50, numbers names(spelling of numbers), example images, some practice questions on writing numbers names in words.
Also, Read:
Numbers and their Names | How do you Write Numbers in Names?
Students who are good at numbers from 1 to 100 at the preschooler stage, can easily learn tables and perform fast mathematical calculations in school. So, Parents start teaching the Number Names at the preschooler stage only. The Number Names in Words are given below in the tabular form so that you can easily learn and remember them.
1 | One | 11 | Eleven | 21 | Twenty – one | 31 | Thirty – one | 41 | Forty – one |
2 | Two | 12 | Twelve | 22 | Twenty – two | 32 | Thirty – two | 42 | Forty – two |
3 | Three | 13 | Thirteen | 23 | Twenty – three | 33 | Thirty – three | 43 | Forty – three |
4 | Four | 14 | Fourteen | 24 | Twenty – four | 34 | Thirty – four | 44 | Forty – four |
5 | Five | 15 | Fifteen | 25 | Twenty – five | 35 | Thirty – five | 45 | Forty-five |
6 | Six | 16 | Sixteen | 26 | Twenty – six | 36 | Thirty – six | 46 | Forty-six |
7 | Seven | 17 | Seventeen | 27 | Twenty – seven | 37 | Thirty – seven | 47 | Forty-seven |
8 | Eight | 18 | Eighteen | 28 | Twenty – eight | 38 | Thirty – eight | 48 | Forty – eight |
9 | Nine | 19 | Nineteen | 29 | Twenty – nine | 39 | Thirty – nine | 49 | Forty – nine |
10 | Ten | 20 | Twenty | 30 | Thirty | 40 | Forty | 50 | Fifty |
The image of numbers and their names are given below. The image consists of numbers from 0 to 9 represented in both numbers forms and words form.
Another image of numbers and their names are as shown below, this image consists of numbers from 11 to 20 in numbers from and words form. Students observe the image clear and then start practicing, you can write easily.
Do Check:
Practice Questions on Numbers and their Names
Question 1 :
The below figure consists of numbers and missing letters numbers words. Students have to fill the missing letters in numbers names using it pencil.
Question 2 :
The given figure consists of different numbers and their names but not in sequence order. Students have to match the numbers and their names through a line, draw in between numbers and names using it pencil.
Question 3:
The below image consists of different kinds of pictures, numbers, and numbers names. Students have to count the numbers in pictures, match that number with their number names.
Question 4:
The below-given figure consists of numbers and their names given in the normal form and dotted line, tally marks are just for idea purpose. Using this figure students have to practice and writing these numbers.
Question 5:
Draw a line from the hands to the names of the matching numbers. The given figure consists of hand finger figures and numbers names students draw a line using it pencil.
Question 6:
The below-given figure consists of only number names. Students will write the numbers of their numbers names.
Question 7:
The given figure consists of numbers from 1 to 10 and numbers names letters in reverse words. Students will write the names of the numbers in the correct order.
Question 8:
The below figure consists of numbers names and numbers. Students read the number name properly and circle that number in the given number set.
Question 9:
Write the number names in the given figure blank. The figure contains only numbers and blanks students read the number and fill the blank with name using it pencil.
Question 10:
The below figure consists of pictures with their names. Students have to count the picture name letters and write that number and number name in the given boxes.
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