Practice Test on Area and Perimeter of Rectangle | Questions on Area and Perimeter of Rectangle

Practice test on Area and Perimeter of Rectangle helps to enhance the math skills. Test your knowledge on mensuration by practice the problems on the Area and Perimeter of the Rectangle. Use the Area and Perimeter of the Rectangle Formula to solve the given problems. Look at the below section and start practicing now. The answers for the practice test on the Area and perimeter of the rectangle are given below.

Area and Perimeter of Rectangle Formula

  • Area = length × width
  • Perimeter = 2(l + w)
  • Diagonal = √l² + w²

Area and Perimeter Word Problems with Answers

1. Find the area of the rectangle if the length and breadth are 6m and 5m?


l = 6m
b = 5m
We know that,
Area of the rectangle = l × b
A = 6m × 5m
A = 30 sq. m
Thus the area of the rectangle is 30 square meters.

2. Find the perimeter of the rectangle whose length and width are 15 cm and 10 cm?


l = 15 cm
w = 10 cm
Perimeter of the rectangle = l + l + w + w
P = 15cm + 15cm + 10cm + 10cm
P = 30cm + 20cm
P = 50 cm
Thus the perimeter of the rectangle is 50 cm.

3. Find the area and perimeter of the rectangle whose length and breadth are 30cm and 25 cm?


l = 30cm
b = 25cm
We know that,
Area of the rectangle = lb
A = 30cm × 25cm
A = 750 cm²
Perimeter of the rectangle = 2l + 2b
P = 2(30cm) + 2(25cm)
P = 60cm + 50cm
P = 110cm
Therefore the area and perimeter of the rectangle are 750 cm² and 110 cm.

4. Find the diagonal of the rectangle whose length and width are 7cm and 5cm?


L = 7cm
W = 5cm
We know that,
Diagonal = √l² + w²
D = √7² + 5²
D = √49 + 25
D = √74
D = 8.60 cm
Thus the diagonal of the rectangle is 8.60cm.

5. The perimeter of the rectangular field is 169 cm. The length of the rectangular field is 12 cm find the breadth?


Given that,
The perimeter of the rectangular field is 169 cm.
The length of the rectangular field is 12 cm
We know that,
Perimeter of the rectangle = 2l + 2b
169cm = 2(12cm) + 2b
169cm = 24cm + 2b
169cm – 24cm = 2b
145cm = 2b
2b = 145cm
b = 145/2 = 72.5 cm
Therefore the breadth of the rectangular field is 72.5 cm.

6. The length and breadth of a rectangular field are equal to 300 m and 200 m respectively. Find the cost of the grass to be planted in it at the rate of ₹ 2 per square meter?


Given that,
The length and breadth of a rectangular field are equal to 300 m and 200 m.
We know that,
Area of the rectangle = lb
A = 300m × 200m
A = 60,000m²
Cost of the grass to be planted in it at the rate of ₹ 2 per square meter.
= 2 × 60,000m²
= ₹ 1,20,000
Thus the required cost is ₹ 1,20,000.

7. A rectangular piece of dimension 65mm × 63mm. Find the area of the rectangle?


l = 65mm
w = 63mm
We know that,
Area of the rectangle = lw
A = 65mm × 63mm
A = 4095 sq. mm
Thus the area of the rectangle is 4095 sq. mm.

8. The perimeter of the rectangle is 112 cm. The width is 24cm find the length of the rectangle.


The perimeter of the rectangle is 112 cm.
Width = 24 cm
length =?
We know that,
Perimeter of the rectangle = 2l + 2b
112 cm = 2l + 2(24cm)
112 cm – 48 cm = 2l
64 cm = 2l
l = 64/2
l = 32cm
Therefore the length of the rectangle is 32cm.

9. Given length = 42cm and breadth = 21cm. Find the area of the rectangle.


l = 42cm
b = 21cm
We know that,
Area of the rectangle = lb
A = 42cm × 21cm
A = 882
Thus the area of the rectangle = 882

10. The length and width of the rectangular plot is 44cm and 40cm. Find the area and perimeter of the rectangular plot.


l = 44cm
w = 40cm
We know that,
Area of the rectangle = lb
A = 44cm × 40cm
A = 1760
Perimeter of the rectangle = 2l + 2b
P = 44cm + 44cm + 40cm + 40cm
P = 88cm + 80cm
P = 168 cm
Therfore the area and perimeter of the rectangular plot is 1760 and 168 cm.

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