Representation of Fractions on a number line helps to understand how the fractions can be represented as part of a whole. As we know that fraction is not a whole number as it is represented as (\(\frac {1}{2} \), \(\frac {1}{3} \), \(\frac {1}{4} \)) etc. You can know how these fraction numbers can be easily represented on a number line. We have included all the images and also step by step procedure to Representation Fractions on a Number Line.
Represent the fraction \(\frac {2}{5} \) on a number line?
Given that the fraction is \(\frac {2}{5} \)
As the denominator of the fraction is 5, divide the intervals into 5 between every pair of consecutive integers on the number line. Each part represents the fraction \(\frac {1}{5} \)
Also, check
- Addition and Subtraction of Fractions on the Fraction Number Line
- Representation of Rational Numbers on Number Line
- Representation of Whole Numbers on Number Line
How to Represent Fractions on a Number Line?
To represent the fractions on a number line, various steps are to be followed. They are:
Step 1: Find the suitable length and draw the number line of that length.
Step 2: Determine whether the fraction is proper or improper, if it is an improper fraction then convert it into a mixed fraction and mark the integers that lie between the fraction values. For example, if the fraction is \(\frac {3}{2} \), then note it as 1\(\frac {1}{2} \). Then mark 1 and 2 points on the number line.
Step 3: Consider the denominator of the fraction and draw the equal number of parts marked in step 2.
Step 4: Now, consider the number in the numerator and count forward starting from the left.
Step 5: Finally, mark the point on the number line.
Representing Fractions on a Number Line Examples
Check out the examples given below to understand how to Represent a Fractions on a Number Line.
Example 1:
Represent the fraction \(\frac {3}{5} \)?
Follow the below steps to represent fractions on a number line:
Step 1: Draw the number line of length 4
Step 2: As the fraction is a proper fraction, we have to mark points on the number line.
Step 3: The denominator value is 5, hence we have to make an equal number of parts between numbers.
Step 4: As the numerator value is 3, we have to move forward to 3.
Step 5: Mark the point on the number line.
Example 2:
Represent the fraction \(\frac {1}{4} \)?
Check the following steps to represent the fraction on a number line
Step 1: Draw the number line of length 5.
Step 2: As the fraction is a proper fraction, we have to mark points on the number line.
Step 3: The denominator value is 4, hence we have to make an equal number of parts between numbers.
Step 4: As the numerator value is 1, we have to move forward to 1.
Step 5: Mark the point on the number line.
Example 3:
Represent the fraction \(\frac {2}{4} \)?
Check the following steps to represent the fraction on a number line
Step 1: Draw the number line of length 4
Step 2: As the fraction is a proper fraction, we have to mark points on the number line.
Step 3: The denominator value is 4, hence we have to make an equal number of parts between numbers.
Step 4: As the numerator value is 2, we have to move forward to 2.
Step 5: Mark the point on the number line.
Example 4:
Represent the fraction \(\frac {1}{8} \)?
Check the following steps to represent the fraction on a number line
Step 1: Draw the number line of length 9
Step 2: As the fraction is a proper fraction, we have to mark points on the number line.
Step 3: The denominator value is 8, hence we have to make an equal number of parts between numbers.
Step 4: As the numerator value is 1, we have to move forward to 1.
Step 5: Mark the point on the number line.
Example 5:
Represent the fraction \(\frac {1}{2} \)?
Check the following steps to represent the fraction on a number line
Step 1: Draw the number line of length 3
Step 2: As the fraction is proper fraction, we have to mark points on the number line.
Step 3: The denominator value is 2, hence we have to make an equal number of parts between numbers.
Step 4: As the numerator value is 1, we have to move forward to 1.
Step 5: Mark the point on the number line.
FAQs on Representation of Fractions on a Number Line
1. What does representing fractions on the number line shows?
If the fractions are represented on a number line, it shows the regular intervals between the integers. It also helps to understand the basic concept of fractional numbers formation.
2. What are the steps to represent the fraction \(\frac {3}{4} \) on a number line?
Step 1: Draw the number line of length 5.
Step 2: As the fraction is a proper fraction, we have to mark points on the number line.
Step 3: The denominator value is 3, hence we have to make an equal number of parts between numbers.
Step 4: As the numerator value is 3, we have to move forward to 3.
Step 5: Mark the point on the number line.
3. How do you represent on a number line?
- Draw a straight line of suitable length.
- Now, mark the point at the extreme left at zero(0).
- Mark the remaining points to the right of zero and label them as 1, 2, 3, …. Make sure that the distance between these points must be uniform which is said to be a unit distance.