Spectrum Math Grade 2 Chapter 7 Lesson 1 Answer Key Plane Shapes

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Spectrum Math Grade 2 Chapter 7 Lesson 7.1 Plane Shapes Answers Key

Spectrum Math Grade 2 Chapter 7 Lesson 1 Answer Key Plane Shapes 1

Name each shape.

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The above-given shape is a rectangle.
– A Rectangle is a four sided-polygon, having all the internal angles equal to 90 degrees. The two sides at each corner or vertex, meet at right angles. The opposite sides of the rectangle are equal in length which makes it different from a square.
– It has four sides and four vertices
– Each vertex has an angle equal to 90 degrees
– The opposite sides are equal and parallel
– Diagonal bisect each other
– The perimeter is equal to twice the sum of its length and breadth
– The area is equal to the product of its length and breadth
– It’s a parallelogram with four right angles.
– Sum of all interior angles equal to 360 degrees

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The above-given shape is a triangle.
A triangle is a polygon with three sides having three vertices. The angle formed inside the triangle is equal to 180 degrees. It means that the sum of the interior angles of a triangle is equal to 180°. It is a polygon having the least number of sides.
– The sum of the interior angles of a triangle is 180 degrees
– When two sides of a triangle are added, it is always greater than the third side
– Similarly, if the two sides of a triangle are subtracted, it is always less than the third side
– Two triangles are said to be similar if the corresponding angles are congruent and the corresponding side lengths are proportional.

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The above-given shape is a pentagon.
A pentagon is one of the many types of a polygon having five sides and five angles. The word ‘Pentagon’ arises from two words, that are, ‘Penta’ and ‘Gonia,’ meaning five angles. In a pentagon, all the sides meet with each other, that too, from end to end to form its shape. Hence, the number of pentagon sides is equal to five.

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The above-given shape is a hexagon.
A hexagon is a two-dimensional geometrical shape that is made of six sides, having the same or different dimensions of length. Some real-life examples of the hexagon shape are a hexagonal floor tile, pencil cross-section, clock, honeycomb, etc. It can be either regular (with 6 equal side lengths and equal angles) or irregular (with 6 unequal side lengths and angles).
– It has six sides, six edges, and six vertices.
– All the side lengths are equal or unequal in measurement.
– All the internal angles are equal to 120° each in a regular hexagon.
– The sum of the internal angles is always equal to 720°.
– All the external angles are equal to 60° each in a regular hexagon.
– The sum of the exterior angles is equal to 360°.

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The above-given shape is a square
– Square is a regular quadrilateral, which has all four sides of equal length and all four angles are also equal. The angles of the square are at right-angle or equal to 90 degrees. Also, the diagonals of the square are equal and bisect each other at 90 degrees. A square can also be defined as a rectangle where two opposite sides have equal lengths.
– All four interior angles are equal to 90°
– All four sides of the square are congruent or equal to each other
– The opposite sides of the square are parallel to each other
– The diagonals of the square bisect each other at 90°
– The two diagonals of the square are equal to each other
– The square has 4 vertices and 4 sides

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The above-given shape is a hexagon.
A hexagon is a two-dimensional geometrical shape that is made of six sides, having the same or different dimensions of length. Some real-life examples of the hexagon shape are a hexagonal floor tile, pencil cross-section, clock, honeycomb, etc. It can be either regular (with 6 equal side lengths and equal angles) or irregular (with 6 unequal side lengths and angles).
– It has six sides, six edges, and six vertices.
– All the side lengths are equal or unequal in measurement.
– All the internal angles are equal to 120° each in a regular hexagon.
– The sum of the internal angles is always equal to 720°.
– All the external angles are equal to 60° each in a regular hexagon.
– The sum of the exterior angles is equal to 360°.

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The above-given shape is a square
– Square is a regular quadrilateral, which has all four sides of equal length and all four angles are also equal. The angles of the square are at right-angle or equal to 90 degrees. Also, the diagonals of the square are equal and bisect each other at 90 degrees. A square can also be defined as a rectangle where two opposite sides have equal lengths.
– All four interior angles are equal to 90°
– All four sides of the square are congruent or equal to each other
– The opposite sides of the square are parallel to each other
– The diagonals of the square bisect each other at 90°
– The two diagonals of the square are equal to each other
– The square has 4 vertices and 4 sides

Answer the questions.

Which shape has 4 equal sides?
square has four equal sides.
– Square is a regular quadrilateral, which has all four sides of equal length and all four angles are also equal. The angles of the square are at right-angle or equal to 90 degrees. Also, the diagonals of the square are equal and bisect each other at 90 degrees. A square can also be defined as a rectangle where two opposite sides have equal lengths.

Which shape has 6 angles?
The hexagon has 6 angles
A hexagon is a two-dimensional geometrical shape that is made of six sides, having the same or different dimensions of length. Some real-life examples of the hexagon shape are a hexagonal floor tile, pencil cross-section, clock, honeycomb, etc. It can be either regular (with 6 equal side lengths and equal angles) or irregular (with 6 unequal side lengths and angles).

Which shape has no angles?
A rhombus is a quadrilateral with 4 equal sides. A shape with four sides of equal length. The shape has two sets of parallel sides and does not have right angles.

Which shape has 3 sides?
The triangle has three sides.
A triangle is a polygon with three sides having three vertices. The angle formed inside the triangle is equal to 180 degrees. It means that the sum of the interior angles of a triangle is equal to 180°. It is a polygon having the least number of sides.

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