Are you confused with the words successor and predecessor? So, let’s clear this confusion by explaining all about the terms Successor and Predecessor. These terms are used mostly in maths and physics. In maths, the terms signify that the numbers come directly after or before the given number. Moreover, this applies only to the whole number.
Successor and predecessor are important in maths that every student should get a clear knowledge about this. So, without any delay let’s move to the below sections for a clear understanding of this concept.
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What are Successor and Predecessor in Maths?
Successor and Predecessor of a number can find by applying only on whole numbers. The number that comes before or after a particular number given respectively. The predecessor says the before the number of a respected number while the successor says the after the number of a respected number. They are also known as after and before numbers respectively. We find the successor by adding one to the given number and by subtracting one to the given number we get the predecessor.
Successor – Definition
A successor is a number that comes after the given number or succeeds another number. Simply, we can answer the Successor of a given number is 1 more than the given number. Every number has a successor by adding 1 to every number.
For instance, the successor of 0 is 1, the successor of 1 is 2, and so on.
Predecessor – Definition
A predecessor is a number that comes before the given number or precedes another number. Commonly, we can say the predecessor of a given number is 1 less than the given number. Every number has a predecessor by subtracting 1 from every number.
For instance, the predecessor of 1 is 0, the predecessor of 2 is 1, the predecessor of 3 is 2, and so on. Here, the whole number 0 doesn’t have a predecessor. Every number has a predecessor except the number 0.
What are Whole Numbers?
Whole Numbers are a set of natural numbers including the number 0 and they contain only positive integers. The difference between natural numbers and whole numbers is only the number 0. Predecessor and Successor are applied only to the whole numbers. Every whole number has Predecessor and Successor, except 0 has no predecessor.
How to Find Successor and Predecessor?
The following steps help you when finding a successor and predecessor.
- Successor and predecessor can be applied only to the positive integers such as 0, 1, 2, 3, and so on.
- They can not be applied for negative integers, decimals, and fractions.
- If ‘a’ is the successor to ‘b’ then ‘b’ is the predecessor to ‘a’.
- One method to find a successor and predecessor is, count the numbers and stop at the specific number. Then say the next number, which will be a successor number, and for predecessor say the before number from where you stop, that will be a predecessor number. This method is applied and used only for small numbers.
- Another method to find a successor number is adding 1 to the specific number, and to find a predecessor number subtract 1 from the specific number. This method is very useful when the numbers are large numbers.
Examples on Successor and Predecessor of a Whole Number
Write the Predecessor and Successor of the following numbers?
Example 1:
Find the successor and predecessor for the following whole numbers
(i) 584 (ii) 256 (iii) 852
As we know, successor comes by adding 1 to the respected number,
Predecessor comes by subtracting 1 from the respected number.
Now, we apply this on given respected numbers to get a successor and predecessor numbers.
(i) Given number is 584
The successor of the whole number 584 is 584 + 1= 585.
The predecessor of the whole number 584 is 584 – 1 = 583.
(ii) Given number is 256
The successor of the whole number 256 is 256 + 1 = 257.
The predecessor of the whole number 256 is 256 – 1 = 255.
(iii) Given number is 852
The successor of the whole number 852 is 852 + 1 = 853.
The predecessor of the whole number 852 is 852 – 1 = 851.
Example 2:
Find the successor of given whole numbers
(i) 85,426 (ii) 68,24,961 (iii) 24,364 (iv) 1,56,426 (v) 56,87,428.
We will add 1 to the given whole numbers to get a successor number.
(i) The successor of number 85,426 is 85,426 + 1 = 85,427.
(ii) The successor of number 68,24,961 is 68,24,961 + 1 = 68,34,962.
(iii) The successor of number 24,364 is 24,364 + 1 = 24,365.
(iv) The successor of number 1,56,426 is 1,56,426 + 1 = 1,56,427.
(v) The successor of number 56,87,428 is 56,87,428 + 1 = 56,87,429.
Example 3:
Find the before number (predecessor) for the following whole numbers
(i) 56 (ii) 673 (iii) 9
Finding before numbers is nothing but to find the predecessor of given numbers. We subtract 1 from given numbers to get a predecessor number.
(i) Given number is 56
Now, apply the predecessor formula i.e., 56-1=55.
Thus, the predecessor number is 55.
(ii) Given number is 673
Now, apply the predecessor formula i.e., 673-1=672.
Thus, the predecessor number is 672.
(iii) Given number is 9
Now, apply the predecessor formula i.e., 9-1=8.
Thus, the predecessor number is 8.
FAQs on Successor and Predecessor Values
1. Which number has no predecessor in whole numbers?
Every whole number has a predecessor value except the whole number 0 has no predecessor.
2. What is the successor of the smallest and largest six digits number?
The smallest six digits number is 1,00,000 and the largest six digits number is 9,99,999. Therefore, the successor of the smallest six digits number is 1,00,000+1=1,00,001 and the successor of the largest six digits number is 9,99,999+1=10,00,000. Thus, the successor of the largest six digits number is the smallest seven digits number.
3. Is the predecessor before or after?
The predecessor for a number comes before the current number. For example, the number 95 is the predecessor of the number 96 (i.e., 96-1=95).