How to Find the Percent of a Given Number? | Definition & Word Problems on Percentage

Percentages topic is widely utilized by the people in various fields like shopping for deals, buying things at veggie or fruit markets, etc. Also, it is commonly used in accounting and finance scenarios like Profits, Interest Rates, Sales, and Taxation. Moreover, the percentage is helpful for grading the student’s annual marks. So, finding percentages can be tricky but an easy mathematical process. If you have to calculate the ratio or portion of a quantity then you need help with percentages. Hence, check out this article properly and learn what is percentage, how to find the percent of a given number or quantity along with worked-out examples.

What is Percentage?

A percentage is a number or ratio as a fraction of 100. In other words, the word percent indicated one part in a hundred. Always, the number of a percentage is represented by a percent symbol (%) or simply “percent”. Here is the percentage illustration:

5 %, 10 %, 33 \(\frac { 1 }{ 6} \) %, 75 %

For example, 60 percent (or 60%) means 60 out of 100.

However, the percentage is the outcome when a particular number is multiplied by a percent. So, learn how to calculate the percentages for a given number or quantity in the below modules with solved word problems.

How to Find the Percent of a Given Number?

To calculate the % of a given number so easily, please follow the below steps:

  • Take the number, say x.
  • Let the percent as p%.
  • To find the formula is P% of x
  • Now, write these as a proportion as \(\frac { P }{ 100 } \) = \(\frac { ? }{ x } \)
  • Finally, do cross multiplication and calculate the value of the “?” mark.

Solved Examples on Percentages

1. What is 3 ⅓ of 60 km?

Solution :

Given expression is 3 ⅓ of 60 km

\(\frac { 3 ⅓ }{ 100 } \) = \(\frac { x }{ 60 } \)

Now, Convert mixed fraction to improper fraction

\(\frac { 10 }{ 3 } \)/100 = \(\frac { x }{ 60 } \)

\(\frac { 10 }{ 3 } \) x100 = \(\frac { x }{ 60 } \)

\(\frac { 10 }{ 300 } \) = \(\frac { x }{ 60 } \)

Cross multiply and find the x value

300x = 10 . 60

300x = 600

x = \(\frac { 600 }{ 300 } \)

x = 2 km.

2. Find 41% of 400.


Given is 41% of 400

Now find the % of a given number

41% of 400 = 41 × \(\frac { 1 }{ 100 } \) × 400

= \(\frac { 41 }{ 100 } \) × 400

= \(\frac { 41 × 400 }{ 100 } \)

= \(\frac { 16400 }{ 100 } \) (Finally divide 16400 by 100 and get the result)

= 164.

3. What is the sum of the money of which 5 % of $750?


Let the required sum of money be $m.

5 % of $m = $750

⇒ \(\frac { 5 }{ 100 } \) × m = 750

⇒ m = \(\frac { 750 × 100 }{ 5 } \)

⇒ m = 15000

Hence, sum of the money = $15000.

4. Find 17% of $4500?


Given expression is 17% of $4500

Now, convert 17% into decimal form

Then write it as 0.17 x $4500

Multiply  17 × $4,500 = $76,500

Finally, keep the decimal point

Therefore the result for 17% of $4500 is $765.00

5. The price of a TV was reduced by 40% to $500. What was the original price?


To find the original price,

First, determine the percentage of the actual price by subtracting 40% from 100.

Later, Product the final price by 100 ie., 500 x 100 = 50000.

Now, divide the result by the percentage computed in step 1 above.

Then, \(\frac { 50000 }{ 60 } \) = $ 833.33

The actual price of a TV is $ 833.33.

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