If you are facing any difficulty to understand the use of decimal to represent money. This article explains the use of decimal points to represent money. By going through this article, you can learn about the importance of decimal in counting money, find solved examples on the usage of decimal points to represent money. Get acquainted with details of how to convert from rupees to paise and paise to rupees, finding out the rupees part and paise part from a numeral, etc.
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Usage of Decimal Point to Represent Money
While writing money in figures having Rupees and paisa, we come across the point to separate the Rupees and Paisa. This point is called the Decimal Point. The numbers before the decimal point represent the rupees and the numbers after the decimal point represent the Paisa. Rupees and paisa together can be written as decimal numbers. Paisa is always a two-digit number.
To express rupees and paisa together in decimal numbers we use the symbol ₹.
We can convert paisa to rupees and rupees to paisa.
We know that 100 paisa=1 ₹.So, 1 paise = 1/100 = 0.01.
So 10 p=1/100 × 10 = 0.1
50 p=1/100 × 50= 0.05.
For converting paisa to Rupees, we place a decimal point after two digits from the right of the number. For converting Rupees to paisa multiply the rupees by 100. To convert rupees and paisa to paisa remove the decimal point or multiply with 100.
1. Convert ₹63.50 to paisa.
=63.50 ×100 p
=6350 p
2. Convert 3450 p to Rupees.
Place a decimal point after two digits from the right of the number.
=₹34.50 p
1. In 54.50, Find the numerals which represent rupees and paisa?
54 represents the rupees and 50 represents the paisa.
2. In 484.30, Find out the rupees and paisa?
484 represents the rupees and 30 represents the paisa.
3. In 638.25 Find out the numerals which represent the rupees and paisa?
638 represents the rupees and 25 represents the paisa.
Examples on Use of Decimal to Represent Money
Example 1:
Express 85 Rupees 55 paisa in the form of rupees using decimal notation?
85 Rupees 55 Paisa can be expressed in the form of rupees using decimal notation is 85.55.
Example 2:
Write 13 rupees 5 paise in the form of rupees using decimal notation?
13 rupees 5 paise can be written in the form of rupees using decimal notation is 13.05.
Example 3:
Express 38 Rupees 25 paisa in the form of rupees using decimal notation?
38 Rupees 25 Paisa can be expressed in the form of rupees using decimal notation is 38.25.
Example 4:
Express 8 Rupees 5 paisa in the form of rupees using decimal notation?
8 Rupees 5 Paisa can be expressed in the form of rupees using decimal notation is 8.05.
Example 5:
Express 430 Rupees 10 paisa in the form of rupees using decimal notation?
430 Rupees 10 Paisa can be expressed in the form of rupees using decimal notation is 430.10.