{"id":121078,"date":"2022-06-29T11:23:37","date_gmt":"2022-06-29T05:53:37","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/ccssanswers.com\/?p=121078"},"modified":"2022-06-29T11:23:37","modified_gmt":"2022-06-29T05:53:37","slug":"double-bar-graph","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/ccssanswers.com\/double-bar-graph\/","title":{"rendered":"Double Bar Graph – Definition, Uses, Examples | How to Make a Double Bar Graph on Paper?"},"content":{"rendered":"

A double bar graph is a graph that displays two sets of data. A double bar graph is a graph that displays two sets of data. It is helpful to compare data among items based on two categories. A double bar graph displays the information using two bars beside each other at different heights. Here, the bars can be arranged either horizontally or vertically. Learn the step by step process to construct a double bar graph, its uses and examples from this page. We have given useful information for the convenience of grade 5<\/a> students.<\/p>\n

Double Bar Graph Definition<\/h2>\n

A double bar graph is used to represent the grouped data. It has two bars for each category to represent the parameters for each category. The height of the bars is proportional to the value provided in the given data set information. Double bar graphs are also known as bar charts.<\/p>\n

A double bar graph has two axes. The x-axis shows the categories being compared and the y-axis is the scale. Scale is used to organise the data into equal parts. The parameters of a double graph are scale, keys, bars and title.<\/p>\n

Uses of Double Bar Graphs<\/h3>\n

A double graph is used to represent and compare categories based on quantitative data. A simple bar graph compares categories based on a single parameter. For example, you can compare the weights of 3 students using a bar graph. But using the double bar graph, you can compare the heights, weights of those students easily. Here, students are the category on which comparison is made and weight, height are the two parameters on which the comparison is made.<\/p>\n

How to Draw Double Bar Graph?<\/h3>\n

The simple steps to construct a double bar graph is listed here:<\/p>\n