Do you need any assistance while solving problems on ordering decimals in ascending and descending order. If so, don’t worry as we have compiled all about Ordering Decimals such as Definitions, Steps to follow while Comparing and Ordering Decimals. For a better understanding of the concept, we have provided solved examples on how to order decimals in a clear-cut way.
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Ordering Decimals
Ordering decimals is nothing but arranging the given decimal numbers in ascending order(lowest to highest) or descending order(highest to lowest).
How do you Order Decimals?
In the given decimals, there are two parts that are whole number part and the decimal part. So, firstly compare the whole number part of the given decimals and if they are equal compare the decimal part of the numbers. To make an easier comparison, convert the given decimals into like decimals and compare them. Now, Compare the digit in the tens place and if they are also equal then go with digits in the hundreds place and so on.
Ordering of decimals can be done by using operators >, < and =
- > used as a sign to indicate a greater number.
- < used as a sign to indicate a lesser number.
- = used as a sign to indicate that both are equal numbers.
Comparing and Ordering Decimals Examples
Example 1:
Arrange the following decimals in ascending order 2.78, 8.6, 9.086, 5.87
Given decimals are 2.78, 8.6, 9.086, 5.87
Firstly convert them into like decimals, the highest number of decimal places is 3
So add zeros accordingly to the and We get
2.780, 8.600, 9.086, 5.870
Now compare the whole number part of the given decimals, we get
2 < 5 < 8 < 9
So the ascending order of the given decimals is
2.780 < 5.870 < 8.600 < 9.086
Example 2.
Arrange the following decimals in descending order.
8.90, 19.8, 23.890, 5.9
Given decimals
8.90, 19.8, 23.890, 5.9
Firstly convert them into like decimals, the highest number of decimal places is 3
So add zeros accordingly to them We get
8.900, 19.800, 23.890, 5.900
Now compare the whole number part of the given decimals, we get
23 > 19 > 8 > 5
so the descending order of the given decimals is
23.890 > 19.800 > 8.900 > 5.900
Note: If the whole number part is equal then compare the digit in tens place if they are also equal then go with the comparison of hundreds place and go on and order accordingly.
Example 3.
Arrange the following decimals in ascending order.
5.89, 5.945, 5.86, 5.98
Given decimals are 5.89, 5.945, 5.86, 5.98
Firstly convert them into like decimals, the highest number of decimal places is 3
So add zeros accordingly to them
we get
5.890, 5.945, 5.860, 5.980
Now compare the whole number part of the given decimals, we get
5 = 5 = 5 = 5
As whole numbers all are equal, we will compare tens digit in the decimal place
8 = 8 < 9 = 9
As two numbers in tens digit are also same, now compare with the hundreds digit
6 < 9 and 4 < 8
so the ascending order of the given decimals is
5.860 < 5.890 < 5.945 < 5.980.
Example 4.
Arrange the following decimals in descending order.
9.7, 9.890, 9.34, 9.545
Given decimals
9.7, 9.890, 9.34, 9.545
Firstly convert them into like decimals, the highest number of decimal places is 3
So add zeros accordingly to them
we get
9.700, 9.890, 9.340, 9.545
Now compare the whole number part of the given decimals, we get
9 = 9 = 9 = 9
As whole numbers all are equal, we will compare tens digit in the decimal place
8 > 7 > 5 > 3
so the descending order of the given decimals is
9.890 >9.700 > 9.545 > 9.340.