Go through the Spectrum Math Grade 2 Answer Key Chapter 1 Lesson 1.2 Skip Counting and get the proper assistance needed during your homework.
Spectrum Math Grade 2 Chapter 1 Lesson 1.2 Skip Counting Answers Key
Count by 2. Write the missing numbers.
First, second and third numbers are given as 2, 4, 6. If we count by 2, then a 2 should be added to the third number to get the fourth number which means 6 + 2 = 8. It was given that fifth and sixth numbers are 10, 12 which is expected. In the same way, the seventh number will be 12 + 2 = 14.
Count by 5. Write the missing numbers.
First image is given as 5. If we count by 5, then a 5 should be added to the first image score to get the second image which means 5 + 5 =10. It was given that the score of third image is 15 which is expected. Similarly, for the fourth image, we need to add one more 5 to the third image score which means 15 + 5 = 20. It was given that the score of fifth image is 25 which is expected. Now, for the sixth image, we need to add 5 more to the score of fifth image which means 25 + 5 = 30. In the same way, the score of seventh image will be 30 + 5 = 35.
Count by 10. Write the missing numbers.
First image is given as 40. If we count by 10, then a 10 should be added to the first image score to get the second image which means 40 + 10 =50. Similarly, for the third image, we need to add one more 10 to the second image score which means 50 + 10 = 60.
Count by 2. Write the missing numbers.
12, 14, ___, 18, 20, ___, 24, 26, 28
12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28
First two numbers are given as 12,14. If we count by 2, then a 2 should be added to the second number to get the third number which means 14 + 2 =16. It was given that the fourth and fifth numbers as 18, 20 which is expected. Similarly, for the sixth number, we need to add one more 2 to the fifth number which means 20 + 2 = 22. It was given that the seventh, eight and nineth numbers as 24, 26, 28 which is expected.
Count by 5. Write the missing numbers.
15, 20, 25, ____, ____, 40, 45, 50
15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50
First three numbers are given as 15, 20, 25. If we count by 5, then a 5 should be added to the third number to get the fourth number which means 25 + 5 =30. Similarly, for the fifth number, we need to add one more 5 to the fourth number which means 30 + 5 = 35. It was given that the sixth, seventh and eight numbers as 40, 45, 50 which is expected.
___, 60, ___, 70, ___, ___, 85
55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85
The first missing number is 55. The second number is given as 60. If we count by 5, then a 5 should be added to the second number to get the third number which means 60 + 5 = 65. It was given that the fourth number as 70 which is expected. Similarly, for the fifth and sixth numbers, we need to add one more 5 to the fourth number and fifth number which means 70 + 5 = 75 and 75 + 5 = 80. It was given that the seventh number as 85 which is expected.
Count backward by 10. Write the missing numbers.
100, 90, 80, 70, ___, 50, ___, ___, 20, 10
100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10
First four numbers are given as 100, 90, 80, 70. If we count backyard by 10, then a 10 should be subtracted from the fourth number to get the fifth number which means 70 – 10 = 60. It was given that sixth number is 50 which is expected. Similarly, for the seventh number, we need to subtract one more 10 from the sixth number which means 50 – 10 = 40. For the eight number, we need to subtract one more 10 from the seventh number which means 40 – 10 = 30. It was given that the nineth and tenth numbers 20, 10 which is expected.