How to Construct a Triangle when Two of its Angles and the included Side are Given – Steps, Rules, Examples

Are you feeling difficulty constructing triangles? If yes, then need not worry about it. Constructions are the easiest and scoring topic in maths. Learn how to Construct a Triangle when Two of its Angles and the included Side are given from here. See the Question and Answers on constructing a triangle when two of its angles and the included Side are given.

Two angles and side is known as ASA (Angle-Side-Angle). See the construction steps from this page. We will help you to construct a triangle with two angles and one side in a simple method. Get the step-by-step explanation for all the questions here.

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How to Construct a Triangle when Two Angles and One Side(ASA) is given?

There are four steps to construct a triangle.
Step 1. Draw the line segment.
Step 2. Using a protractor draw a ray making an angle with the line segment.
Step 3. Using a protractor at another point draw another arc.
Step 4. By using the property “Sum of the three angles of any triangle is 180°. With this property, we can find the third angle.

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Construction of Triangle with Two Angles and One Side Examples

Example 1.
Draw a triangle ABC in which ∠B = 60° and ∠C = 70° and the side BC = 6 cm.
Step 1. Draw the line segment BC.
Step 2. Using a protractor draw a ray making a 60° angle with the line segment BC = 6 cm.
Step 3. Using a protractor draw another angle with a measure of 70 degrees at another point draw another arc with C as the center.
Step 4. By using the property “Sum of the three angles of any triangle is 180°. With this property, we can find the third angle.
Step 5. Join PB and QC.
To Construct a Triangle when Two of its Angles and the included sides are given img_1
Thus the required triangle ABC is formed.

Example 2.
Draw a triangle ABC in which ∠B = 40° and ∠C = 50° and the side BC = 8 cm.
Step 1. Draw the line segment BC = 8cm.
Step 2. Using a protractor draw a ray making a 40° angle with the line segment BC = 8 cm.
Step 3. Using a protractor draw another angle with a measure of 70 degrees at another point draw another arc with C as the center.
Step 4. By using the property “Sum of the three angles of any triangle is 180°. With this property, we can find the third angle.
Step 5. Join PC and QB.
To Construct a Triangle when Two of its Angles and the included sides are given img_2
Thus the required triangle ABC is formed.

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Example 3.
Draw a triangle XYZ in which ∠Y = 100° and ∠X = 50° and the side XY = 8 cm.
Step 1. Draw the line segment XY = 5cm.
Step 2. Using a protractor draw a ray making a 100 ° angle with the line segment XY = 8 cm.
Step 3. Using a protractor draw another angle with a measure of 50 degrees at another point draw another arc with Y as the center.
Step 4. By using the property “Sum of the three angles of any triangle is 180°. With this property, we can find the third angle.
Step 5. Join PX and QY.
To Construct a Triangle when Two of its Angles and the included sides are given img_3
Thus the required triangle XYZ is formed.

Example 4.
Draw a triangle ABC in which ∠CAB = 55° and ∠CBA = 70° and the side AB = 5 cm.
Step 1. Draw the line segment AB = 5cm.
Step 2. Using a protractor draw a ray making a 55° angle with the line segment AB = 5 cm.
Step 3. Using a protractor draw another angle with a measure of 70 degrees at another point draw another arc with B as the center.
Step 4. By using the property “Sum of the three angles of any triangle is 180°. With this property, we can find the third angle.
Step 5. Join AQ and PB.
To Construct a Triangle when Two of its Angles and the included sides are given img_5
Thus the required triangle ABC is formed.

Example 5.
Draw a triangle PQR in which ∠RPQ = 80° and ∠RQP = 55° and the side PQ = 8 cm
Step 1. Draw the line segment PQ = 8cm.
Step 2. Using a protractor draw a ray making a 80° angle with the line segment PQ = 8 cm.
Step 3. Using a protractor draw another angle with a measure of 55 degrees at another point draw another arc with Q as the center.
Step 4. By using the property “Sum of the three angles of any triangle is 180°. With this property, we can find the third angle.
Step 5. Join PR and RQ.
To Construct a Triangle when Two of its Angles and the included sides are given img_4
Thus the required triangle PQR is formed.

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