Learn what is meant by unlike fraction, How to check if the given decimal fraction is unlike decimals or not by going through the entire article. We can also convert an unlike decimal fraction into a like decimal fraction by following steps to make the calculation easier. Get to Know in detail the Unlike Decimals such as Definitions, Solved Examples in the later sections.
Do, Read
Before going to learn about the unlike decimal fraction we need to know what is the decimal fraction?
Decimal Fractions
A Fraction where the denominator is the power of 10 such as 10, 100, and 1000 so on it is called a decimal fraction. A decimal fraction can be written with a decimal point and with no denominator. It makes calculations easier on fractions.
Example: \(\frac { 1 }{ 10 } \) is a decimal fraction and it can be shown as 0.1
\(\frac { 1 }{ 100 } \) is a decimal fraction and it can be shown as 0.01
\(\frac { 1 }{ 1000 } \) is a decimal fraction and it can be shown as 0.001
Unlike Decimal Fraction
Any two decimal fractions are said to be unlike decimal fractions when those two fractions are having a different number of decimal places.
Example: 5.7, 14.98, 7.908 are unlike decimal fractions.
Because they are having a different number of decimal places.
i.e 5.7 has 1 decimal place.
14.98 has 2 decimal places.
7.908 has 3 decimal places.
Unlike Decimal Fractions Examples
Example 1:
Check the following decimals are unlike or not.
9.78, 8.5, 7.324 and 14.8876
Given Decimals fractions are
9.78, 8.5, 7.324 and 14.8876
9.78 has 2 decimal places.
8.5 has 1 decimal place.
7.324 has 3 decimal places.
14.8876 has 4 decimal places.
As the given decimal fractions are having a different number of decimal places, they are unlike decimal fractions.
Example 2.
Check the following decimals are unlike or not.
2.8, 9.008, 15.78 and 23.7654
Given Decimals fractions are
2.8, 9.008, 15.78 and 23.7654
2.8 has 1 decimal places.
9.008 has 3 decimal place.
15.78 has 2 decimal places.
23.7654 has 4 decimal places.
As the given decimal fractions are having a different number of decimal places, they are unlike decimal fractions.
Example 3.
Check the following decimals are unlike or not.
1.8, 19.01, 51.768 and 3.8239
Given Decimals fractions are
1.8, 19.01, 51.768 and 3.8239
1.8 has 1 decimal places.
19.01 has 2 decimal place.
51.768 has 3 decimal places.
3.8239 has 4 decimal places.
As the given decimal fractions are having a different number of decimal places, they are unlike decimal fractions.
Example 4.
Check the following decimal fraction are unlike or not.
\(\frac { 2 }{ 5 } \), \(\frac { 5}{ 8 } \) and \(\frac { 1 }{ 100 } \)
Given Decimals fractions are
\(\frac { 2 }{ 5 } \), \(\frac { 5}{ 8 } \) and \(\frac { 1 }{ 100 } \)
Now, convert the fractions into decimals, we get
0.4, 0.625 and 0.01
0.4 has 1 decimal places.
0.625 has 3 decimal place.
0.01 has 2 decimal places.
As the given decimal fractions are having a different number of decimal places, they are unlike decimal fractions.
Note: We can convert unlike decimal fractions into like decimal fractions by placing zeros in the decimal part and by conversion of unlike to like decimals also makes calculations easier.