If you find calculating Time Duration into hours & minutes tricky then practice converting units of time worksheet provided. Generally, we use units like hours, seconds, minutes to measure time. This free printable Activity Sheet on Conversion of Time will help kids to improve their knowledge on Hours, Minutes, Seconds, etc., and also score better grades in examinations.
4th Grade Math solving kids can grab the opportunity and use the Worksheet on Conversion of Time PDF to enhance their knowledge. Going through this conversion of seconds minutes and hours worksheet gives you free access to practice and solve the problems on Converting Units of Time. Solve using this free downloadable converting between units of time worksheet & get accurate results.
Do Check:
- Units of Time Conversion Chart
- 24 Hour Clock
- Time in Hours and Minutes
- Worksheet on Subtraction of Hours, Minutes and Seconds
Converting Days Weeks Months Years Worksheets PDF
Question 1:
Convert between the following units of time:
a) ______ seconds = 2 minutes
b) ______ minutes = 4 hours
c) 180 seconds = ______ minutes
d) 2 and a half hours = ______ minutes
e) 120 minutes = ______ hours
f) 180 seconds = ______ minutes
g) ______ hours = ½ a day
h) ______ hours = 4 and a half days
i) ______ hours = 5 days
j) ______ seconds = 20 minutes
k) 6 minutes & 35 seconds = ______ seconds
l) 60 hours = ______ days
As know that, A day has 24 hours, 60 minutes in an hour, and 60 seconds in a minute. By remembering these facts we can solve the following units of time easily:
a) 120 seconds = 2 minutes
b) 240 minutes = 4 hours
c) 180 seconds = 3 minutes
d) 2 and a half hours = 150 minutes
e) 120 minutes = 2 hours
f) 360 seconds = 6 minutes
g) 12 hours = ½ a day
h) 96 hours = 4 and a half days
i) 120 hours = 5 days
j) 1200 seconds = 20 minutes
k) 6 minutes & 35 seconds = 395 seconds
l) 60 hours = 2 and half days
Question 2:
Fill the empty spaces with correct answers:
(i) A century has _______ years.
(ii) There are _______ months in two and half years.
(iii) There are _______ minutes in 6 hours.
(iv) There are _______ weeks in one year.
(v) There are _______ seconds in three and half hour.
(vi) There are _______ days in seven weeks.
(vii) There are _______ hours in ten days.
(viii) There are _______ seconds in 60 minutes.
(ix) The long and thin hand of a clock that moves faster displays _______.
(x) The shorthand of a clock shows _______.
(xi) The long and thick hand of a clock shows _______.
(i) A century has 100 years.
(ii) There are 30 months in two and half years.
(iii) There are 360 minutes in 6 hours.
(iv) There are 52 weeks in one year.
(v) There are 12600 seconds in three and half hours.
(vi) There are 49 days in seven weeks.
(vii) There are 240 hours in ten days.
(viii) There are 3600 seconds in 60 minutes.
(ix) The long and thin hand of a clock that moves faster displays Seconds.
(x) The shorthand of a clock shows Hours.
(xi) The long and thick hand of a clock shows Minutes.
Question 3:
Converting the time between minutes and seconds:
(i) 90 sec = ———-min
(ii) 1 min = ———-sec
(iii) 360 sec = ——-min
(iv) 9 min = ———sec
(v) 16 min = ——–sec
(vi) 395 sec = ——–min
(vii) 301 sec = ——min
(viii) 120 min = ——-sec
(ix) 260 sec = ——-min
(x) 57 min = ——– sec
(i) 90 sec = 1 min 30 sec
(ii) 1 min = 60 sec
(iii) 360 sec = 6 min
(iv) 9 min = 540 sec
(v) 16 min = 960 sec
(vi) 395 sec = 6 min 35 sec
(vii) 301 sec = 5 min 1 sec
(viii) 120 min = 7200 sec
(ix) 260 sec = 4.3333 min
(x) 57 min = 3420 sec
Question 4:
Convert the given time to minutes and hours:
(i) 78 minutes = ______ hours and ______ minutes
(ii) 151 minutes = ______ hours and ______ minutes
(iii) 200 minutes = ______ hours and ______ minutes
(iv) 365 minutes = ______ hours and ______ minutes
(i) 78 minutes = 1 hours and 18 minutes
(ii) 151 minutes = 2 hours and 31 minutes
(iii) 200 minutes = 3 hours and 20 minutes
(iv) 365 minutes = 6 hours and 5 minutes
Question 5:
Converting the following time into days and hours:
a) 50 hours = ______ days and ______ hours
b) 74 hours = ______ days and ______ hours
c) 60 hours = ______ days and ______ hours
d) 100 hours = ______ days and ______ hours
a) 50 hours = 2 days and 8 hours
b) 74 hours = 3 days and 8 hours
c) 60 hours = 2 days and 12 hours
d) 100 hours = 4 days and 4 hours
Question 6:
Write AM or PM for the following time:
(i) 5:35 in the evening
(ii) 7:45 in the morning
(iii) 2:20 afternoon
(iv) 8:35 in the evening
(v) 6:48 in the morning
(vi) 12:50 midnight
(vii) 5:05 in the morning
(viii) 10:27 at night
(ix) 4:36 in the morning
(x) 3:17 midnight
(i) 5:35 PM
(ii) 7:45 AM
(iii) 2:20 PM
(iv) 8:35 PM
(v) 6:48 AM
(vi) 12:50 AM
(vii) 5:05 AM
(viii) 10:27 PM
(ix) 4:36 AM
(x) 3:17 AM
Question 7:
What will be the time after 5 hours?
(i) 6:40 a.m.
(ii) 7:30 p.m.
(iii) 3:25 a.m.
(iv) 9:20 a.m.
(v) 2:05 p.m.
(vi) 1:30 p.m.
(vii) 6:15 p.m.
(viii) 10:15 a.m.
(ix) 5:17 p.m.
(x) 2:34 a.m.
(xi) 4:18 p.m.
(xii) 5:27 a.m.
(i) 11:40 a.m.
(ii) 12:30 a.m.
(iii) 8:25 a.m.
(iv) 2:20 p.m.
(v) 7:05 p.m.
(vi) 6:30 p.m.
(vii) 11:15 p.m.
(viii) 3:15 p.m.
(ix) 10:17 p.m.
(x) 7:34 a.m.
(xi) 9:18 p.m.
(xii) 10:27 a.m.
Question 8:
Convert the following Hours, Minutes, Seconds to Seconds:
(i) 9 hours 26 minutes 45 seconds = ——— seconds
(ii) 7 hours 46 minutes 65 seconds = ——— seconds
(iii) 5 hours 66 minutes 85 seconds = ——— seconds
(iv) 3 hours 86 minutes 55 seconds = ——— seconds
(v) 1 hours 56 minutes 35 seconds = ——— seconds
(i) 9 hours 26 minutes 45 seconds = 34,005 seconds
(ii) 7 hours 46 minutes 65 seconds = 28,025 seconds
(iii) 5 hours 66 minutes 85 seconds = 22,045 seconds
(iv) 3 hours 86 minutes 55 seconds = 16,015 seconds
(v) 1 hours 56 minutes 35 seconds = 6,995 seconds
Question 9:
What was the time before 2 hours?
(i) 5:20 a.m.
(ii) 7:45 p.m.
(iii) 9:15 a.m.
(iv) 12 noon
(v) 12 midnight
(vi) 6:15 p.m.
(vii) 8:05 a.m.
(viii) 10:45 p.m.
(ix) 1.27 a.m.
(x) 3:27 p.m.
(xi) 5:14 p.m.
(xii) 7:08 a.m.
(i) 3:20 a.m.
(ii) 5:45 p.m.
(iii) 7:15 a.m.
(iv) 10:00 a.m.
(v) 10:00 p.m.
(vi) 4:15 p.m.
(vii) 6:05 a.m.
(viii) 8:45 p.m.
(ix) 11.27 p.m.
(x) 1:27 p.m.
(xi) 3:14 p.m.
(xii) 5:08 a.m.